OASA Masters - an opinion on draw

fastball fastball at pmihrm.com
Mon Jul 10 15:08:36 EDT 2006

Received: 7/9/06 9:43:28 PM 
From:  "Blair McBratney" <bmcbratney(at)sympatico.ca> 
Subject:  OASA Masters  


I dont know if anyone else noticed but who made up the draw for
the Master's in Grafton.If you lose your 1st game, its like 7
 games  just to get back to the finals...5 of those on the saturday.Doesnt
the OASA realize we are Masters.This would be a tough tourney
for Seniors and Intermediates to be in with this kind of draw.This
is one way to really eliminate the Masters category because who
really has the pitching or that matter teams have the physical
aspect to play that much ball without getting injured?Dont be
surprised if you hear a lot of complaints that weekend,i know
i have already. Just my opinion.

Blair McBratney
Oshawa Ravens Masters 

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