Blue convention 2007

fastball fastball at
Fri Jul 14 11:19:26 EDT 2006

Blue convention 2007 

Blue Convention is just around the corner, you can visit
or Softball Canada website for more informations.

Here is a preview of only some of the workshops at the 2007 Blue
Convention Self Improvement - Only a Workshop Away. Stay in tune
for further updates on the workshops because more will be offered.

Instructor - Grant Hood
Mentoring, Why, Who, What and How

Instructor - John Ariss
Common Misconceptions on the Rules 
Too often an umpire, especially a new umpire, makes a correct
call only to be inundated with help from spectators, coaches
and players who think they know the rules. To be successful,
every umpire must know the rules - not just the complex ones
but the simple, frequently occurring rules. This presentation
will review many common rule misconceptions and help you, as
an umpire, develop your skill and confidence by knowing the correct

Instructor - Aaron Poulin
Balancing Family Life and Umpiring
Do you have a job, go to school, or are you enjoying a career?
Is there a significant other, friends, possibly even children
in your life? Everyone some hobbies to pass your free time. On
top of that, you officiate slow pitch or fast pitch softball.
Where do you find the time in your busy schedule? Or do you?
Is your officiating in balance with the rest of your life? What
are your priorities, your goals, and your dreams? Come and explore
more than time management and find out if your officiating life
is balanced with the rest of your life.

Instructor - Bob Constantin
Slo-Pitch Plate Mechanics - Working the Dish in Slo-Pitch
Bring your experience and be ready to participate in this interactive
workshop that will focus on plate mechanics, game situations
and the handling of adversity.

Instructor - Greg Pipher
Fast Pitch Plate Mechanics
Where does a good strike zone come from? Why do good plate mechanics
improve an umpire’s game control? What are Softball Canada evaluators
looking for with regards to plate mechanics? What will make you
a better plate umpire?

If you are asking any of the above questions, you need to be
a part of this workshop. During this session, the following topics
will be discussed:
1. Plate Mechanics: Getting in the proper position
2. Consistency and how to achieve it
3. Visible and Audible Mechanics: How they impact Game Control
4. Timing: What is the appropriate delay
5. Evaluators: What are they looking for?
6. Grass Roots: How to teach new umpires the Plate Mechanic basics

Through interactive demonstrations, group discussion, and video
analysis, participants will analyse, in depth, plate mechanics
and their role in the complete umpire.

Instructor - Serge LaFlamme
Psychology of Umpiring
We are never enough prepared for a ball game, physically and
mentally. The way to be prepared mentally is very different from
one to another and there is no standard to follow. This workshop
will provide you some tips to be sure that you cover all the
aspects of the mental preparation, being then ready to face all
kind of situations.

Concentration, visualization, goals, auto evaluation, and ways
communicate with all participants (players, coaches, spectators,
ground crew, scorer) will be covered and, of course, all the
questions of the participants will be answered

Instructor - Joel Balberman
One Pitch at a Time - the Mental Skills of Umpiring
Joel will be presenting an informative session which will include
topics on focus and concentration, anxiety reduction strategies,
emotional control, self-talk and self-evaluation. A workshop
not to be missed.

Instructor - Doug Cundall
Clinics - Their Presentation and Tricks to Their Success

Instructor - Frank Omoe
Hints, Clues and Politically Correct Calls

Instructor - Murray Harvey
Slo-Pitch… Goin' Solo
This presentation is directed towards those officials who most
frequently umpire a “One Person Slo-Pitch Game”. Murray Harvey
will attempt to illustrate the proper diamond positioning for
a variety of game situations. He will also provide a brief description
of the inside plate position and the plate umpire’s use of the
set position. The dissertation will end with a few interesting
game scenarios and umpires’ reactions to those occurrences.

Instructor - Jonathan Lieberman
Importance of Team Work - Backing Your Partner(s) Up the Right

Instructor - Brian Sharples
Line-up Cards, D.P. & Replacement Players

Instructor - Bob Henning
Coaches and Players - Working the Two-Way Street
Ever wonder what the coaches and players are thinking about you?

What is their game plan to try and work you?
How do players and coaches try to take advantage of the rules?
When something goes wrong, how can you get them back on your
How can you earn their respect and increase their confidence
in you?

Learn all about player/coach – umpire relationship management.
Speak with a national team world class player.
One on one with a world class coach.

This may be the most interesting session ever as we unlock the
secrets of Working the Two-Way Street.

Be there.

Instructor - Kelly Hunter
Putting Fun Back into Umpiring
Need to put the fun back into umpiring? Kelly Hunter will show
you how with a fun and action packed presentation with photos
and video of weird things that has happened to umpires. She will
also give tips on different ways of instructing clinics. 

Instructor - Gary Skjerven
The Local Umpire - The Desire to Stay at Home
This workshop, instructed by Gary Skjerven, will focus on individual
commitment and how do we best support the umpires that choose
to contribute to the game at the local level. This workshop will
be filled with tips and ideas – so ensure to bring yours too.

Instructor - Bonnie Gostola
The Best Team on the Diamond
This workshop will address communication issues; umpire to umpire,
on and off the diamond. We will discuss various tools, techniques,
and approaches, which will assist the working umpire to have
more control of the games, especially, when outnumbered by the
players, coaches, and the fans.

Instructor - Mitch Zuk

Instructor - Jack Van Bynen
Attitude - On and Off the Diamond
It seems in our sports today, the concept of good sportsmanship
has been lost. The image you project as an official is a product
of your character. Good sportsmanship is not just what you do
on the field, it is hopefully the way you conduct your life both
on and off the field. Join Jack Van Bynen in this workshop for
the golden rules of good sportsmanship.

Instructor - Gabe Babineau
Game Control

Instructor - Carley Parish
Blue Legal Liabilities
Umpire Liability - on and off the field. What are the current
insurance policies in place to protect umpires from being sued?
To protect them in case of injury. In addition, what are their
responsibilities on the field and how do they become liable.
How can we as umpires avoid being liable. 

Carley Parish will be looking at the Softball Canada Insurance
provided to the umpires, along with the Provincial Insurance
and addressing issues such as compensation, perhaps what happens
if an umpire is attacked on the field, if there is lightening

Instructor - Lucie Carmichael
Training Young Umpires

Instructor - Mark Gough and Joyce Bellini
New Mechanics - 3 and 4 Umpire Systems
There have been many changes in the past few years to reflect
the ISF rules. This is a workshop not to be missed. An informative
presentation with Mark Gough on New Mechanics in the 3 and 4
umpire systems. Joyce Bellini will be present should there be
questions in French. NOTE: An entire French workshop may be offered
depending on registration numbers.

Instructor - Brian Van Os and Denis Belanger
New Rules for 2007 – 2008
There have been many changes in the past few years to reflect
the ISF rules. This is a workshop not to be missed. An informative
presentation with Brian Van Os on new rules for 2007 and 2008.
Bring your questions because Brian is the rule guru. Denis Belanger
will be present should there be questions in French. NOTE: An
entire French workshop may be offered depending on registration

Yves Beauregard

 Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball(at)
   fastball at

2006 ISC World Tournament - Kitchener, Ontario


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