Ex-boss rejoins Hallman Twins

Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Wed Jun 6 18:54:00 EDT 2007

Ex-boss rejoins Hallman Twins


KITCHENER(Jun 6, 2007)

Larry(Hawk) Lynch is coming home. After three seasons away from
the club he helpedbuild, the erstwhile Kitchener Hallman Twins
boss will rejoin Canada'slongest continuously operated senior
men's fastball team this season.

Thereunion comes in time for the International Softball Congress
world tournamentto be held for the second straight year in Lynch's
adopted hometown of Kitchener and in time forLynch's induction
into the ISC hall of fame. Both events will take place inAugust.

Lynch,52, will serve as a bench coach and the third-base coach
for the Twins, aworld-class tournament team.

He isexpected to make his first appearance with the club this
season on Tuesday whenthe Twins entertain the three-time defending
world champs from New Zealand inTavistock for an evening exhibition

Lynch wasfired by the Twins at the end of the 2003 season because
of philosophicaldifferences with sponsor Jim Hallman.

Sincethen, Lynch moved on to win his first national championship
with the SaskatoonAspen Interiors the next year, organized the
Legends of Fastball Classic in Woodstock and served as ateam
leader for the national senior men's team.

Heapproached the Twins recently looking for work once he parted
company with Saskatoon.

The Twinsunanimously voted in favour of bringing him back.

"Ithink it's wonderful to have Larry back in the Twins uniform,"
Hallmansaid. "Larry and I have been in contact many times over
the past number ofyears. We remain very good ball friends."

Hallmansaid their past differences over how the team was built
and run shouldn't be aproblem this time around.

"Wehave a different team (now) and a different structure. Larry's
part will bedifferent than it was. In the past, Larry took too
much on himself. Now, wehave coaches and managers," Hallman said.

"Itwas never an issue with Larry's ball knowledge or his loyalty,
his on-fieldexpertise and his skill in handling the players."

Veterancatcher Dave Bailey said he's thrilled Lynch has returned
to the Twins, the41-year-old ball club Lynch ran for 16 years.

"It'sa happy-ending type of story," Bailey said. "Everybody respects
Larryand his knowledge of the game. It's going to make us a better
team. And he'sback in the uniform he belongs in."

The ISCtournament, the premier fastball event in North America,
returns to Kitchener's Peter HallmanBall Yard on Aug. 10-18.

Lynch, anative of Fingal, 10 kilometres southwest of St. Thomas,
will be enshrined in the ISC hallof fame in honour of his three
decades as a player, coach, manager andadministrator. He made
15 appearances at the world tournament where his teamsposted
eight top-10 finishes.

Lynchcould not be reached for comment yesterday.

crivet at therecord.com


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