The_Road_to_Beijing_Begins_in_Oklahoma_City - correction

Al's Fastball News fastball at
Thu Jun 5 17:18:09 EDT 2008

Received: 6/5/08 3:52:10 PM 
From:  "Gilles LeBlanc" <gleblanc at> 



Two corrections slipped into themedia release sent earlier this


1.     Disregard the datesin the first paragraph (June 6-8).
Canada’s game on July 8th wasre-scheduled to tonight (July 5th).

2.     Also, Wendy Dobbin’sname was mistakenly omitted. We apologize
to Wendy and the coaching staff forthis mistake, as Wendy has
been heavily involved with the team throughout thepast cycle
and has done a tremendous job.


Please find the corrected mediarelease below


Gilles LeBlanc

Manager: Marketing andCommunications Services

Softball Canada

223 Colonnade Rd., Ste 212

Ottawa, ON  K2E 7K3

gleblanc at

(613) 523-3386 ext. 3105

(613) 523-5761 (Fax)



June5th, 2008


TheRoad to Beijing Begins in Oklahoma City


(OklahomaCity, OK) – The Senior Women’s National Softball Team
will begin its journeytowards the Beijing Olympic Games tonight
as they will compete at the OKCOlympic Preview in Oklahoma City,
OK from June 5-8. The event will feature thetop-ranked and three-time
defending Olympic gold medalists from the UnitedStates, the Chinese
National Team (ranked fourth in the world), an All-Starteam from
the National Professional Fastball league, and the Canadian NationalTeam
(ranked fifth). Canada will be looking to build off a very impressive
2007season which saw them come home with four medals, as well
as two early 2008medals in Australia.


TeamCanada will open the event against the NPF All-Stars tonight,
June 5th(7:00pm CDT), before taking on China on Friday, June
6th (6:00pmCDT) and the United States on Saturday, June 7th (2:30pm


Followingis the list of players who were selected to the Olympic
Roster and will becompeting at the OKC Olympic preview:




#3Lauren Bay Regula (Trail, BC)

#17Alison Bradley (Pinkerton, ON)

#18Erin Cumpstone (Saskatoon, SK)

#23*Tamra Howren (White Rock, BC)

#4Sheena Lawrick (Calgary, AB)

#13Danielle Lawrie (Langley, BC)

#11Caitlin Lever (Buffalo, New York)

#15Robin Mackin (Newmarket, ON)

#21Noemie Marin (Acton-Vale, QC)

#12Melanie Matthews (Surrey, BC)

#20Erin McLean (Whitby, ON)

#77Dione Meier (Saskatoon, SK)

#10*Kristy Odamura (Richmond, BC)

#55Kaleigh Rafter (Guelph, ON)

#7Jennifer Salling (Port Coquitlam, BC)

#14Megan Timpf (Port Dover, ON)

#10Jennifer Yee (North Delta, BC)


Olympic Team Alternates




HeadCoach: Lori Sippel (Stratford, ON)

AssistantCoach: Lonni Alameda (Las Vegas, Nevada)

AssistantCoach: Wendy Dobbin (Oshawa, ON)

AssistantCoach: Jim Peterson (DesMoines, Washington)

AssistantCoach: Don Bates (Saskatoon, SK)

AthleticTherapist: Laurie Freebairn (Maple Ridge, BC)

TeamLeader: Harvey Stevenson (Victoria, BC)


Makesure to visit the new softball Canada website (,where
you can follow the team’s progress through a live Gametracker.
Simplyscroll through the homepage news items!   




Formore information, please contact 



Manager:Marketing and Communications Services


(613)523-3386 ext 3105

gleblanc at




juin, 2008



La route vers Pékin commence à Oklahoma City


(OklahomaCity, OK) – L’équipe nationale de softball féminine
senior commencera sonparcours vers les Jeux Olympiques de Pékin
ce soir, lorsqu’elle feracompétition au tournoi OKC Pré-Olympique
à Oklahoma City, OK du 5 au 8 juin, 2008. L’événement mettra
en vedettela meilleure équipe au monde et championnes Olympiques
à trois reprise desÉtats-Unis, la Chine (classé quatrième) au
monde, une équipe étoile de la ligueNational Professional Fastpitch,
ainsi que la formation Canadienne (classécinquième). Le Canada
cherchera à continuer leurs succès de la dernière année,qui a
inclus quatre médailles lors de la saison 2007 ainsi que deux
autresmédailles tôt en 2008 en Australie.


L’équipecanadienne jouera son premier match ce soir, le 5 juin,
lorsqu’elle affronteral’équipe étoile de la NPF (19:00 CDT),
avant d’affronter la Chine ce vendredi,6 juin (18:00 CDT) et
les États-Unis le samedi, 7 juin (14:30 CDT).


Voicila liste des joueuses qui ont été sélectionnées a la formation
Olympique et quiferont compétition au tournoi OKC Pré-Olympique


Formationdu Canada


#3Lauren Bay Regula (Trail, C-B)

#17Alison Bradley (Pinkerton, ON)

#18Erin Cumpstone (Saskatoon, SK)

#23*Tamra Howren (White Rock, C-B)

#4Sheena Lawrick (Calgary, AB)

#13Danielle Lawrie (Langley, C-B)

#11Caitlin Lever (Buffalo, New York)

#15Robin Mackin (Newmarket, ON)

#21Noemie Marin (Acton-Vale, QC)

#12Melanie Matthews (Surrey, C-B)

#20Erin McLean (Whitby, ON)

#77Dione Meier (Saskatoon, SK)

#10*Kristy Odamura (Richmond, C-B)

#55Kaleigh Rafter (Guelph, ON)

#7Jennifer Salling (Port Coquitlam, C-B)

#14Megan Timpf (Port Dover, ON)

#10Jennifer Yee (North Delta, C-B)


Alternes de l’équipe Olympique


Personnel des entraîneurs


EntraîneuseChef: Lori Sippel (Stratford, ON)

EntraîneuseAdjointe: Lonni Alameda (Las Vegas, Nevada)

EntraîneuseAdjointe : Wendy Dobbin (Oshawa, ON)

EntraîneurAdjoint: Jim Peterson (DesMoines, Washington)

EntraîneurAdjoint: Don Bates (Saskatoon, SK)

ThérapeuteAthlétique: Laurie Freebairn (Maple Ridge, C-B)

Meneurd’équipe: Harvey Stevenson (Victoria, C-B)


Visitezle nouveau site web de Softball Canada (,
où vous serez capable desuivre le progrès de l’équipe à travers
du programme de pointage en direct.Vous n’avez qu’à circuler
les nouvelles sur la page d’accueil! 




Pourplus de renseignements, contactez:



Gestionnaire– Services de Marketing et Communications


gleblanc at

(613)523-3386 ext. 3105

 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)
   fastball at


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