Fw: REMINDER: Seeking "Colour Your Dream" Instructors

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Mon Nov 28 14:11:29 EST 2011

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-----Original Message-----
From: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <claxton at softballontario.ca>
Sender: "Softball Ontario Coaches Program" <claxton=softballontario.ca at mail27.us4.mandrillapp.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 18:40:11 
To: Al<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Reply-To: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <claxton at softballontario.ca>
Subject: REMINDER: Seeking "Colour Your Dream" Instructors

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_[2]Softball Ontario__Contact_:    Carly Laxton
                   [3]claxton at softballontario.ca
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_Date_:          November 4, 2011

_Softball Ontario is Seeking ``Colour Your Dream`` Instructors for the 2012
Clinic Season_
_TORONTO, ON_ - Softball Ontario is seeking applicants for “Colour Your
Dream” Clinic Instructors for the _Learning to Train (U12) Stage_ which is
now being delivered to both male AND female participants in Ontario. As a
division of Provincial Women’s Softball Association’s (PWSA) “Colour Your
Dream” Program, Softball Ontario is proud to announce that we will now be
delivering the U12 Learning to Train Stage.

_What is the U12 Learning to Train “Colour Your Dream” Stage? _
The Long-Term Player Development Clinic will teach skills and drills to
enhance both male and female fast pitch player’s abilities; coaches and
local association knowledge throughout an eight (8) hour clinic. These
skills will encompass batting, proper fielding and throwing techniques for
infield and outfield positions and base running specific to the Learning to
Train (8-11 years) age group.

During these clinics each participants will be assessed for their own
individual level of our “Colour Your Dream Incentive Program,” which is
essentially Competency/Skill Assessment program used to create individual
development plans targeted at each participant’s specific competency as it
relates to the measureable goals of the Long-Term Player Development Model.

_Softball Ontario Skills Clinic Instructor qualifications include:_
  * Strong communication and leadership skills
  * A keen interest in Coach Development
  * Be a positive role model
  * Experience in coaching a requirement
  * A minimum of Level 2 NCCP Coaching Certification
  * Must Sign Softball Ontario’s Confidentiality Agreement
  * Must Sign Softball Ontario’s Volunteer Application
  * Must Sign Softball Ontario’s Skills Instructor Contract

_Duties and Responsibilities include (but not limited to):_
  * Accountable and Responsible to Softball Ontario for a two (2) year term
  * Responsible for delivering one (1) Skills Clinic per clinic season
  * Attend all training sessions, workshops and participate in conference
    calls host by Softball Ontario, when necessary
  * Help promote the “Colour Your Dream” Program and Clinics

_Skills Clinic Format_
The Clinics will be delivered in _two_ formats:
  * Four 2-hour Sessions once per week for 4 weeks = 8 Hours of Clinic
  * Two 4-hour Sessions once per week for 2 weeks = 8 Hours of Clinic

The format of the Clinic will be decided upon by the Host depending on
facility and participant availability.

_Instructor Training_
One proposed format of Softball Ontario’s on-site training is one-on-one
individual mentoring and assessment by a certified Skills Clinic Instructor.
Skills Clinic Instructors are compensated for their delivery of the “Colour
Your Dream” Program at a reasonable hourly rate once they are _fully

Also, Softball Ontario hopes to introduce this Program in detail at the
upcoming _Learning Facilitators Clinic for Softball Ontario’s National
Coaching Certification Program clinics _on November 26 and 27, 2011 located
in Toronto. If any new Skills Clinic Instructors wish to attend the training
at this session, please contact Carly Laxton at
[4]claxton at softballontario.ca _by November 19, 2011 no later than 4:30pm_!
    4. mailto:claxton at softballontario.ca

_How to Apply to become a “Colour Your Dream” Skills Clinic Instructor? _
Interested applicants are encouraged to complete the application form below.
Here is the link:


Just simply fill out the form and click “Submit!” by _Wednesday, December
21, 2011 no later than 4:30pm!  _

If you have any questions about Softball Ontario’s delivery of the Learning
to Train Stage of PWSA’s “Colour Your Dream” Program please email Carly
Laxton at [6]claxton at softballontario.caor simply call 416 426 7150.
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_Copyright © 2011 Softball Ontario, All rights reserved._
 You are receiving this email because you signed up for the Coaches Link and requested to receive information about new and valuable programs that are the future of coaching development in Ontario.
_Our mailing address is:_
Softball Ontario
3 Concorde Gate
Toronto, On M3C3N7

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