Fw: “We Are Coaches” Funding opportunity to host a NCCP Clinic

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Thu Feb 16 13:48:52 EST 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <ssutton at softballontario.ca>
Sender: "Softball Ontario Coaches Program" <ssutton=softballontario.ca at mail54.us1.mcsv.net>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 18:43:51 
To: Al<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Reply-To: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <ssutton at softballontario.ca>
Subject: “We Are Coaches” Funding opportunity to host a NCCP Clinic

Is your Softball Association looking to train more female softball coaches?
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_[2]Softball Ontario__Contact_:   Steph Sutton
                     [3]ssutton at softballontario.ca
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_Date_:          February 14, 2012

_“We Are Coaches” __Funding opportunity to host a NCCP Clinic_

Toronto, ON-Is your Softball Association looking to train more female
softball coaches?  Would up to $1,500 help you accomplish your goal?
Softball Ontario is looking to work with Softball Associations to help take
advantage of the _“We Are Coaches”_ campaign sponsored by Softball Canada
and the Coaching Association of Canada.

_What NCCP Clinics qualify for the “We Are Coaches” Program?_
You can work with Softball Ontario to apply for the _“We Are Coaches”_
Program if you want to host the following female-only NCCP Clinics:
  * Learn to Coach
  * Keep Coaching
  * Competition-Introduction, Softball
       + What to Coach & How to Coach

“_We Are Coaches_” is a campaign designed to increase the number of trained
Women coaches in Canada in order to provide female mentors and role models
for young participants.  The campaign targets mothers with children involved
in community level softball as well as young women looking to coach
community and competitive softball teams, and strongly communicate the sense
of community, reward, and FUN that can be achieved through coaching.

The “_We Are Coaches_” program in its 7th year.  In previous years Softball
Ontario and Softball Canada have partnered with the following communities:
  * Windsor, ON
  * St. Catharine’s, ON
  * Orleans, ON
  * Oshawa, ON
  * Author, ON
  * Oakville, ON
  * Waterloo, ON

  Local Softball Associations planning on participating in the “_We Are
Coaches”_ program must meet the following requirements:

Recruit the minimum number of female coaches for the clinic hosted:
  * Learn to Coach – 10
  * Keep Coaching – 10
  * Competition-Introduction, Softball – 12
  * Provide a gymnasium and classroom for the Clinic
  * Host the Clinic by March 31, 2012

 If you feel your local softball association would benefit from “_We Are
Coaches_” program, please contact Steph Sutton via email
ssutton at softballontario.ca by _March 1, 2012_ to express your interest.

If you have any questions regarding hosting a Community Sport Clinic (Learn
to Coach and Keep Coaching) or a Competition-Introduction, Softball clinic,
contact Stephanie Sutton at _ssutton at softballontario.ca_.
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_Copyright © 2012 Softball Ontario, All rights reserved._
 You are receiving this email because you signed up for the Coaches Link and requested to receive information about new and valuable programs that are the future of coaching development in Ontario.
_Our mailing address is:_
Softball Ontario
3 Concorde Gate
Toronto, On M3C3N7

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