Fw: NEW Secondary School Program - Seeking teachers for PILOT!!

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Wed Feb 29 11:59:38 EST 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <claxton at softballontario.ca>
Sender: "Softball Ontario Coaches Program" <claxton=softballontario.ca at mail54.us1.mcsv.net>
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 16:58:28 
To: Al<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Reply-To: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <claxton at softballontario.ca>
Subject: NEW Secondary School Program - Seeking teachers for PILOT!!

Develop Softball!!
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_[2]Softball Ontario__Contact_:    Carly Laxton
                 [3]claxton at softballontario.ca
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_Date_:           February 29, 2012

_Calling All Secondary School Teachers_
_TORONTO, ON _- Softball Ontario is seeking a minimum of _twenty (20)
secondary schools (teachers)_ to _help pilot our new secondary school
program_, “Develop Softball.”

“Develop Softball” is a BRAND NEW Program created by Softball Ontario
focused on secondary school aged youth where softball is taught using
modified lesson plans in a fun-filled, non-competitive environment. The
program focuses on further developing youth physical literacy and learning
softball-specific skills through unique games and play!

Softball Ontario is looking for teachers _with or WITHOUT Softball
experience_ to help pilot the new program lesson plans _between March 1 –
30, 2012_ and give feedback – it’s THAT easy! Softball Ontario is looking
for direct feedback from teachers who know the sport of softball and those
who do not understand the sport of softball- to ensure that this resource is
easy-to-follow for both and need assistance in  teaching/coaching the sport
of softball at the secondary school level.

Softball Ontario will send you all of the resources you will need to help
pilot this program _FREE of charge _– we all know we need to get softball
back into the secondary schools!! As a BONUS - Softball Ontario will send
all teachers a "thank you gift" that will benefit all of your students at
your school for helping pilot the program!

Simply click on the link and fill out the request form to help pilot this
cool NEW Program: http://softballontario.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=169bffd6d8fc91cec68933f57&id=10e64be58a&e=ec83be8bd9

For further information please contact Carly Laxton, School Programs
Coordinator, via email [5]claxton at softballontario.ca or by phone 416
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_Copyright © 2012 Softball Ontario, All rights reserved._
 You are receiving this email because you signed up for the Coaches Link and requested to receive information about new and valuable programs that are the future of coaching development in Ontario.
_Our mailing address is:_
Softball Ontario
3 Concorde Gate
Toronto, On M3C3N7

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