Fw: Fastball results from Sudbury

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Thu May 31 14:49:24 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Legendre <er_legendre at sympatico.ca>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 14:45:16 
To: Al Doran<fastball at pmihrm.com>; Andy Nootchtai<erin_neb at hotmail.com>; Athgletics<ebrennan at personainternet.com>; Athletics<moxymac at gmail.com>; <b_biedermann14 at hotmail.com>; 'Ben&Steff'<bensteff at sympatico.ca>; <bheidman at thesudburystar.com>; bill merrick<billm65 at hotmail.com>; Bishop C.<larocqj at scdsb.edu.on.ca>; Blue Ump<bluelight24 at sympatico.ca>; Bonkers<fpegahmagabow at hotmail.com>; Brad Matheson<bratheson at hotmail.com>; Cardinals<pat.brennan at henveyinlet.com>; chad st cyr<chadstcyr at hotmail.com>; Chris Vanvolkenburg<chris_vanvolkenburg at hotmail.com>; corey farmer<coreyfarmer at hotmail.com>; Dan Quesnel<quazzycer at hotmail.com>; <DeleneArmstrong at hotmail.com>; Dog House<mmmcain at vianet.ca>; <er_legendre at sympatico.ca>; Erin Lamothe<erinlamothe7 at gmail.com>; Fan<judy.dunn at sympatico.ca>; Frank Pegahmagabow<fpegahmagabow at hotmail.com>; Hounds<topar5 at vianet.ca>; <jean-gilles.larocque at scdsb.edu.on.ca>; Joel Belanger<jbelanger at persona.ca>; john ainslie<wolfeyes710906 at hotmail.com>; jonathon contin<contin_5 at hotmail.com>; Justin Nootchtai<justin_nootch at hotmail.com>; Lanny Fichette<lannyf35 at hotmail.com>; <lmyers at northernlife.ca>; Mike<sarm48 at hotmail.com>; Minor ball<JL_Sailian at laurentian.ca>; Nicole &Jeanatte<msfix.60 at gmail.com>; <paullizotte at personainternet.com>; Sagamok Rez Riders<gerard_baibomcowai at hotmail.com>; Shayne Malone<shaynemalone at hotmail.com>; Sid &Tommie<trecollet at hotmail.com>; Sports<sports at thesudburystar.com>; Sports.Com<statsman at sudburysports.com>; <tiffany.freer at live.com>; Tony Farrenzina<carpetkingcleaning at hotmail.com>; Troy Nootcfhtai<tnootch420 at hotmail.com>; walter jr tobobondung<trayven_05 at hotmail.com>; Walter\(Wally\)Sr Tobobogun<parryislandcottage at gmail.com>; <welsh7.5 at personainternet.com>
Subject: Fastball results

                                                                          QUENTIN SEELEY REMAX FASTBALL LEAGUE


                                        Spring training is certainly over following the game between the league defending champions  and the Dog House . The North Stars scored early and often on their way to a 12-1 crushing of the Dog House . Cory Stolar and Lanny Fichette combined to pitch a one hitter missing out on a perfect game late in the fifth frame . Fichette and Stolar struck out 10 batters and giving up but one hit . Pat Brennan Sr went the distance for the Dog House giving up 10 hits , striking out two batters and issuing 2 base on balls . Both Joel Belanger and Chad St Cyr (home run ) both hit 2 for 3 for the North Stars .
                                        The first week’s Toppers player of the week are : Toppers offensive player of the week is Todd Parsons (Hounds) 3 for 4 and Toppers defensive player of the week is Cory Stolar (North Stars) 3 innings pitched , no hits and 7 strike outs) . Play resumes tonight when the First Nation Seminoles take on the Dog House at 7 PM followed by the nightcap under the lights at 9 PM when the North Stars clash against the Garson Hounds .Both games will be played at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park in Garson .

See you on the fastball diamonds
Roger Legendre
League head statistician and  league liaision/advisor
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