Fw: [Fawcetts Fastball League Tournament ] On behalf of the Fawcetts Fastball Club I would...

aldoran at pmihrm.com aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Jul 3 09:17:03 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Mark Arsenault" <notification+aw5w4x2n at facebookmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 06:13:59 
To: Fawcetts Fastball League Tournament<aldoran at pmihrm.com>
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Subject: [Fawcetts Fastball League Tournament ] On behalf of the Fawcetts Fastball Club I would...

Mark Arsenault posted in Fawcetts Fastball League Tournament 

On behalf of the Fawcetts Fastball Club I would like to thank Jody Jewers for all he does for our tournament. It is definitely well appreciated!!!!

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