fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Fri Jul 20 09:17:30 EDT 2012

------Original Message------
From: Bob Henning
To: Milt Michael
To: Al (John Allen) Doran
To: 'Jim Flanagan'
Cc: Craig Donaldson
Cc: Jim Johnson
Subject: Umpire Crew Announced for 2012 BOB LAW MEMORIAL FASTPITCH CHALLENGE
Sent: Jul 20, 2012 4:49 AM

I am pleased to announce the umpire crew for the 2012 Bob Law Memorial Fastpitch Challenge (formally the Vancouver Challenge) to be held this weekend in Vancouver, BC Canada at South Hill Memorial Park on 41st Ave between Knight St. and Fraser St.

Tournament Director is Craig Donaldson and Jim Johnson will be doing scoring and stats from his normal bunker.

The Inside Curve will be in attendance and I believe Uncle Milt Michael will be Web Streaming games for the first time.

(tournament link down at the moment)

Also check out their Facebook page: 

Bob Law Memorial Challenge

This experienced crew will consist of 10 male umpires and one female umpire. Three are flying in from Alberta and many others making the long drive from the BC Interior.

Seven of them are Level V ISF Certified Umpires, another worked the Senior Men's Canadian Championship last year and one will work it this year.

Umpire Panel

Ian Brown
Dan Young
Aaron Poulin
Scot McLaren
Frankie Billingsley
Terry Richter
Frank Omoe
Al Strang
Tim Lederman
Don Martin
Bruce Patton

Regards in Softball,

Bob Henning - Tournament Umpire-in-Chief
Softball BC UIC
brotherinblue (at) shaw.ca
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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