Fw: ISC Canada East U21 Gm 1

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Fri Jul 20 20:40:19 EDT 2012

------Original Message------
From: Mr. Blair Setford
To: Al (John Allen) Doran
Cc: 'Jim Flanagan'
Cc: Joe Todd
Cc: 'kyle.smith at ballparkradio.com'
Subject: ISC Canada East U21 Gm 1
Sent: Jul 20, 2012 8:39 PM

Tavistock Athletics 5 
St. Mary's Steelworkers 2
WP Brady Wagler 7 inn 2 runs 6 hits 4Ks 1BB
LP Matt Eidt 5 1/3 inn 5 runs 3 earned 6 hits 4Ks; Mark Verkley 1 2/3 inn 1K
Tavistock Andrew Van Wyke 2-run Home Run, 3 RBIs

Blair Setford
AVP,  Product Development
416.860.9880 x2285 office
416.625.1757 mobile
Sent from my Blackberry mobile device
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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