Fw: Toronto Gators win 5th Annual Gil Read Memorial Tournament

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Mon Jul 30 22:12:04 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Brown <adam.w.brown at sympatico.ca>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 02:11:16 
To: fastball at pmihrm.com<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Toronto Gators win 5th Annual Gil Read Memorial Tournament

Carp, ON
Congratulations on the Toronto Gators on their win at the 9-team Gil Read Memorial Tournament in Carp this past weekend. Gregg Garrity of the Gators was named tournament MVP.  

Congrats as well to the Read family on another excellent event. Great ball, great beer tent, great weather, well organized - an all around success.

Final order of finish:
1. Toronto Gators 6-0
2. Kars Aces 4-2-1
T3. Elkland Thunderbellies 3-3
T3. Fitzroy Harbour West Carleton Electric 3-2
T5. Stittsville 56ers 2-3
T5. Ottawa Taylor's Blitz 2-3
7. Carp I4C Victory 1-2-1
8. Chisasibi Comets 1-3
9. Cornwall Pickups 0-4

Results below:

Friday night

Kars, ON Aces 10 
Fitzroy Harbour, ON West Carleton Electric 1
WP: Steve Price with relief from Brad Porter
LP: Steve Cavanagh with relief from Jason Smith.

Ottawa, ON Taylor's Blitz 11 
Chisasibi, QC Comets 2
WP: Will Lowe 
LP: Lloyd Matthew with relief from Robert Rupert

Stittsville, ON 56ers 2 
Carp, ON I4C Victory 1
WP: Cody Price
LP: Kyle Crawford


Toronto, ON Gators 6 
Kars 3 
WP: Justin Schofield save by Donnelly Archibald 
LP: Brad Porter relief by Cory Alkerton 

Chisasibi 11
Cornwall, ON Pickups 8 
WP: Lloyd Matthew 
LP: Chris Nicholls 

Elkland, PA Thunderbellys 5 
Carp 4 
WP: Ryan Cummings, Save Jamie Thompson 
LP: Neil Cooke relief by Kyle Crawford 

West Carleton Electric 2 
Stittsville 0 
WP: Jason Smith 
LP: Darren Featherstone

Toronto 6 
Ottawa 0 
WP: Andrew Putnam relief by Greg Garrity 
LP: Shannon Borho 

Kars 4 
Chisasibi 0 
WP: Cory Alkerton 
LP: Robert Rupert with relief from Lloyd Matthew 

Carp 10 
Cornwall 3 
WP: Kyle Crawford in relief of Ian Wallwork 

Toronto 7 
Stittsville 0 
WP: Donnelly Archibald with relief from Andrew Putnam 
LP: Trevor Scott with relief by Darren Featherstone 

Elkland 9 
Ottawa 1 
WP: Jamie Thompson 
LP: Chris van Volkenburg with relief by Shannon Borho 

West Carleton Electric 6 
Chisasibi 2 
WP: Andy Barber 
LP: Lloyd Matthew relief by Robert Rupert 

Stittsville 10 
Cornwall 3 
WP: Cody Price with relief from Darren Featherstone, Adam Smith 
LP: Herb Seguin with relief from Kevin Wells 

Kars 2 
Carp 2 
Corey Costello (Kars) 
Neil Cooke (Carp) 

West Carleton Electric 8 
Elkland 6 
WP: Jason Smith 
LP: Bill Sherman with relief from Ryan Cummings 


Ottawa Blitz 12 
Cornwall 3 
WP Will Lowe relief by Derek Bergeron, Chris van Volkenberg 
LP Andrew Fortier relief by Kevin Wells 

Toronto 7 
Elkland 4 
WP Andrew Putnam relief by Gregg Garrity 
LP Ryan Cummings relief by Bill Sherman 

Standings and seeding after the round robin

1. Toronto 4-0
2. West Carleton 3-1
3. Elkland 3-1
4. Kars 2-1-1
5. Stittsville 2-2
6. Ottawa 2-2
7. Carp 1-2-1
8. Chisasibi 1-3
9. Cornwall 0-4


Elkland 11 
Ottawa Blitz 3 
WP Jamie Thompson
LP Shannon Borho relief from Chris van Volkenberg 

Kars 2
Stittsville 1 
WP Brad Porter in relief of Steve Price 
LP Darren Featherstone 
walkoff RBI single Chad Milne


Kars 7 
West Carleton 0 
WP Corey Costello 
LP Steve Cavanagh relief by Jason Smith, Andy Barber 

Toronto 3 
Elkland 2 
WP Gregg Garrity, Save Justin Schofield 
LP Jamie Thompson relief Ryan Cummings

Toronto Gators 8 
Kars Aces 4
WP: Gregg Garrity in relief of Justin Schofield
LP: Brad Porter with relief from Cory Alkerton
Gregg Garrity of Toronto tournament MVP  		 	   		  
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