ISC II #27 Sioux Falls Sox qualify for ToC

Sioux Falls, SD
July 6

The Sioux Falls Sox qualified for the third consecutive year for the ISC II Tournament of Champions. Over the weekend the Sox posted three crucial wins in Omaha, NE at the Ne-Ia-Kota travel league. We posted wins of 1-0, 2-0, and 1-0. The pitching staff of Shane Bouman (2-0) and Brian Rohlfs (1-0) were resilient in the circle this weekend. As the scores show there wasn’t a lot of scoring. Playing on slow-pitch fields were our main nemesis. Numerous balls that were hit only had warning track power in these fields. None the less, the pitching and the flawless defense kept us competitive in each game.

The Sox’s overall record for the year is 24-7. Three out of the seven loses have been against ranked teams in the world. Albaugh, Inc (#11), Bergstrom/Kegal (#13) and Team Iowa (#23). The Sox will see action next in the West St Paul tourney (July 23-25) followed by the Holmes Classic in Fargo, ND (August 6th and 7th).

Mike Mueller

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