Daily ISC II log

All the teams but one were registered yesterday and I spoke to the team in question after running into them late last night at Peter Hallman Ballyard … they were delayed at the car rental agency in Toronto, then one of their guys got nabbed in a radar trap on the highway and none of them got into town until after 8 pm … they’ll be early at registration … talked to Corey Costello last night – he’s pumped about being here with his own team and will have the ball tonight against Orangeville … the main field at Budd Park is in great shape … there is a big garden on the top of the hill overlooking the park and everything, including the Sportsjuice hookups are ready to go!

On tap for broadcasts today:
12 pm Ashland vs CPI – Blair Setford & Jim Flanagan
2 pm Ottawa vs Toronto – Lance Winn & David Bakker
4 pm Elora vs Rice Creek – Blair & Joe Todd
7 pm Bridgeport vs California – Jim & Blair
9 pm Elmira vs Denver – Jim & Blair

If you’re at the park, look for the Diamond Dirt newsletter … starting tomorrow there will be a daily ISC II column with scores, tidbits and highlights … the park at PHBY was about 80% full for last night’s Kitchener game vs Vandalia – the Twins in their brand new uni’s got up 6-0 in the first and then never got a hit after that, but the outcome was never in doubt … Todd Martin left after 5 without giving up a hit … Don Scott came in and threw gas … gave up one single and had a bunch of K’s … if you haven’t tried it yet, try ISC TV … go with the 200% screen size (right click on the image in your WMP to change the setting … it’s great to see video with audio for fastball altho’ you need a clean broadband connection or you will get buffering.

If you’ve read this far, keep reading throughout the day as I’ll post more observations, highlights etc. as the day goes on.

Email us during the broadcasts at live@ballparkradio.com if you’ve got questions or comments.



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