[Alsfastball] Traveller's Inn.....at Rose Cup

Allen Duddridge dudds at shaw.ca
Wed Jun 30 22:35:27 EDT 2004

         Team Rainey (Whittier, Calif.) - 10     Traveller's Inn - 2 (6 
         - Traveller's Inn eliminated after quarter-final loss

                 T.I. -          2     5     4
                 Rainey -        10    8    0
                         - Losing pitcher: Korrey Gareau
- Team Rainey: 4 home runs
- Glenn Ormsby: RBI triple for T.I.

- Next home action for Traveller's Inn: July 6 @ Royal Athletic Park vs.
Stuffy McGinnis All-Stars

Al Duddridge (by way of Suki Johal)
dudds at shaw.ca

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