[Alsfastball] Imaging Solutions Knights Finish Runner-up in Eau Claire, WI

Paul R Lybeck plybeck at juno.com
Thu Jul 1 09:28:24 EDT 2004

After a runner-up finish in Kimberly, WI a couple of weeks ago the IS
Knights again found themselves in the Championship game in Eau Claire,
WI. In Kimberly it was the Farm and Eau Claire it was County Materials
who defeated the Knights. Six games took its toll on the pitching staff
as the Knights were without the services of either James Speral (injury)
or Greg Bouchard (family).
However, Michael White pushed his season record to 6-0 with four wins on
the weekend. Five of those wins are against top 25 teams including the
Farm and Circle Tap.
Congratulations to Whitey for winning the tournaments "Best Pitcher"
Next action for the Knights is in Denmark, WI on July 9-11.

Paul R Lybeck
Mailto:plybeck at juno.com

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