[Alsfastball] Canadian Masters Fastball Championship - Birnie's response to O'Hearn

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Jul 7 21:13:45 EDT 2004

From: "Dave Birnie" <ranger11 at idirect.com>
To: <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 21:06:22 -0400

In response to my friend Mike O'Hearn .............

You only have a few things in life in which you are measured by, your name 
& your word.
I have always taken allot of pride in the way my team plays and conducts 

So, what makes the Stoney Creek Gators so special ?
Why do the Stoney Creek Gators have an automatic berth to the 2004 Canadian 
Masters Fastball Championship ?

I was a little uneasy accepting an automatic berth for my team and after 
reading Mike's e-mail I cant find fault with anything he says.

The Stoney Creek Gators have officially returned their automatic berth and 
will have to try to earn a berth like all the other teams.

Dave Birnie
Stoney Creek Gators
ranger11 at idirect.com

----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:mohearn at uoftbookstore.com>mohearn at uoftbookstore.com
To: <mailto:ranger11 at idirect.com>ranger11 at idirect.com ; 
<mailto:fastball at pmihrm.com>fastball at pmihrm.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 8:12 AM
Subject: RE: PRESS RELEASE - Canadian Masters Fastball Championship

I'm sorry but has anyone else noticed the "automatic berth" 
selection?  Everyone knows the host team always gets a berth, and certainly 
no one is going to argue that the 2003 Masters Champions should get a berth 
(although the 2000 Scarborough Blues might yell foul as to how the rules 
keep changing), but I'm really curious how it was decided that the 2002 
champions get an automatic berth.  I've certainly got the highest regard 
for Dave Birnie and what's he's done and is trying to do for master's ball, 
but I don't think it's right that the "Canadian Masters Fastball 
Association Executive" pad their own pockets by handing out unearned 
berths.  A berth shouldn't be awarded simply because you have someone on 
the executive.  And that's how it appears.    Why aren't the finalists from 
2003 (Cold Springs) given a berth?

Stoney Creek is a good team, and probably would have earned a berth on it's 
own, but by this backdoor dealing you've done them a disservice Dave and 
trust me there's going to be a lot of smirks this year when Stoney Creek is 
talked about.

Mike O'Hearn

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