[Alsfastball] Calgary Diamonds Shine at ISC

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Aug 21 01:45:48 EDT 2004

From: PeterJPorcelli at aol.com
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 01:41:50 EDT
Subject: Calgary Diamonds Fastball Report
To: aldoran at pmihrm.com, fastball at pmihrm.com

Calgary Diamonds Shine at ISC

     At the end of last calendar year amidst jokes about Calgary and the 
“Ship of Fools” that one critic threw our way, I predicted that the Calgary 
Diamonds would be playing on the last day of this year’s ISC World 
Tournament. Once you make the last day, no one can predict what will happen.

      Tomorrow is the last day of this year’s World Tourney. The Calgary 
Diamonds will be playing at ten in the morning and will only need to win 
two games to make the final and compete for their first ever World Title. 
But first, before we talk about world titles, let us first mark one goal 
accomplished, Calgary made it to the last day.

      After a disappointing 22nd finish in 2002, and a competitive and eye 
opening twelfth place finish last year, Calgary has taken the step as a 
true World Title Contender and will have its chance at immortality tomorrow 
as it takes the winner of tonight’s elimination game featuring the Farm and 
Circle Tap, both ranked at season’s end higher than the Diamonds. They 
fight tonight for the right to face Calgary tomorrow.

      The winner makes it to the Lower Bracket final with that winner going 
to the final versus the winner of county Materials and the defending World 
Champion Broken Bow Spirit.

      The Diamonds advanced tonight by virtue of their defeat of the Heflin 
Builders who made a great run themselves finishing sixth
.. higher than 
they ranked at any time during the season. Hats off to Heflin and Go Diamonds!

  PeterJPorcelli at aol.com

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