[Alsfastball] Elkland B Tournament Friday/Saturday Results

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 30 18:57:22 EDT 2004

From: "Bruce Hackett" <brucehackett61 at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Elkland B Tournament Friday/Saturday Results
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 14:37:07 -0400
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 30 Aug 2004 18:37:07.0639 (UTC) 

Friday Results

Game #1. Elkland Fastpitch over Keeneyville Fastpitch 8-0
Game #2. R & R Tents over Morgan Margraff 3-2

Saturday Results

Game #1. PT Awards over Aqua Specialists 6-4
Game #2. NY Bombers over Harmonia Fastpitch 8-0
Game #3. Knoxville-Ontario over Beverage Barn 5-2
Game #4. Waterdown Hammer over Kreider and Flick 3-1
Game #5. Bare Bones Grille over Northern Merchants 4-3
Game #6. McKies over MVD Sports 2-0
Game #7. Elkland over Memorial 1-0
Game #8. Keating Fitness over R & R Tents 16-3
Game #9. Harmonia over Beverage Barn 5-0
Game #10. McKie's over Knoxville-Ontario 4-2
Game #11. Bare Bones Grille over Waterdown Hammer 3-0
Game #12. Northern Merchants over Kreider and Flick 8-0
Game #13. Elkland Fastpitch over PT Awards 6-4
Game #14. Keatings Fitness over NY Bombers 3-1
Game #15. Aqua Specialists over Memorial 7-1
Game #16. MVD Sports over R & R Tents 1-0
Game #17. Harmonia over Morgan Margraff 4-3
Game #18. Northern Merchants over Keeneyville 8-0
Game #19. Knoxville-Ontario over Aqua Specialists 6-2
Game #20. Harmonia over PT Awards 9-2
Game #21. NY Bombers over Northern Merchants 10-6
Game #22. Elkland Fastpitch over Bare Bones Grille 7-4
Game #23. Waterdown Hammer over MVD Sports 8-1

Bruce Hackett
  From: "Bruce Hackett" <brucehackett61 at hotmail.com>

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