[Alsfastball] Ricart Pros at Canadians

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 2 08:48:43 EDT 2004

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 08:21:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: SYLVIA RYAN <sylvia.ryan at rogers.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com


Ste. Croix  Nova Scotia
Senior Mens Canadian Fast Pitch  Championships
Game 5
A hard fought game of 11 innings of ball

Peterboro  Ricart  Pros (Ontario  3)       4
Waerloo                       (Ontario  2)       3

Dave Fowler    2 for 4   1  run scored
Chris Switzer   1 for 3   1 run scored

Winning Pitcher     Gregg Garrity
Losing Pitcher        Don Scott in relief of   Jamie Simpson

Peterboro Ricart Pros  (Ontario 3)  have now beaten both 
Ontario  1   (Union Storm) and
                                       Ontario  2   ( Waterloo ) in the 
round robin play.

Sylvia Ryan  Manager

Ste. Croix Nova Scotia
Senior Mens Canadians Fast Pitch Championships

Game 6

Peterboro Ricart Pros (Ontario 3)  0
Vancouver Grey Sox                     2

Winning Pitcher   Collin  McKenzie
Losing Pitcher      Wayne Wells

Sylvia Ryan  Manager
<mailto:sylvia.ryan at rogers.com>sylvia.ryan at rogers.com

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