[Alsfastball] To All House League Associations (Ontario): We need your input on Learn to Play/Blastball

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 2 19:18:26 EDT 2004

Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 18:43:11 -0400
From: Irwin Bruck <irvsher at idirect.com>
To: Al Doran <fastball at pmihrm.com>



In order for Softball Ontario's Participation Committee to serve you
better and keep Learn to Play and BlastBall growing throughout the
Province of Ontario and Canada, we are trying to gather some information
regarding our new programs that will ultimately ensure the health and
growth of all Softball in Ontario.

Please, take a few minutes to answer the questions below.  As an
incentive, Softball Ontario will be sending out the "BlastBall and Learn
to Play CD Rom" to everyone who completes the form and submits it to
Softball Ontario.  This valuable resource includes: LTP certificates,
LTP and BlastBall Powerpoint presentations, a BlastBall Manual and much
much more.

In addition to that, any Association that completes this form and has
implemented the Learn to Play program will be sent a Minor Association
Evaluation Form from Softball Canada.  By completing Softball
Canada's evaluation, the Association will be eligible to receive one of
four equipment packs worth over $200.


1.Did your Association use BlastBall or Learn to Play in any organized

(If no, please explain why and if you will be using them next year)

(If yes, please describe)

2.  How many kids participated in your BlastBall League

a)Boys                          b)Girls                 Ages:

3.   How many kids participated in your Learn to Play league

a)Boys                          b)Girls                 Ages:

4.   What was the length of your program/number of sessions per week

5.   Did your registration numbers increase from last year?  Approximate

  Yes                     No

6.   Did you have any positive or negative feedback from parents
regarding either Learn to Play or BlastBall?  (Explain)

7. How can we make BlastBall and Learn to Play more accessible and
easier to implement for Associations?
8.   Would you be interested in hosting a Learn to Play/BlastBall
information session in your town, city or municipality? (at no personal
cost to you)

Yes                             No

9.   Would you be interested in receiving a Softball Ontario newsletter
regarding the status the Learn to Play and BlastBall programs?

Yes                             No

10.  Would you be interested in becoming a zone representative/volunteer
for Softball Ontario in your community (help with implementation,
tracking of Learn to Play/BlastBall in your community)?

Yes                             No

Any other comments, concerns, questions, suggestions?

Best Practices Program
In order to encourage Minor Softball Associations that use the LTP
Program to share their Best Practices, Softball Canada will be hosting a
Best Practices section on their web site in the LTP section. The
submitted Best Practices will be posted for all organizations to read
and learn from. It is hoped that the Softball Canada web site will
become the clearinghouse for information on LTP so that the wheel does
have to be re-invented again and again by Minor Associations. Instead
they can read and learn what other organizations are doing and take the
ideas that will work best for their situation. Why create something
that someone else has already implemented well? At this time,
submissions must be faxed or mailed to Softball Ontario. These
submissions will be judged by Softball Canada's Initiation Committee in
the Fall
with the prize breakdown as follows:

1st Place - $ 2,000 worth of equipment
2nd Place - $1,000 worth of equipment
3rd Place - $ 500 worth of equipment

In addition, Coaches can also be asked to submit their modifications to
the activities in the LTP manual or describe any new activities that
they have created for the LTP. The Initiation Committee will judge
these submissions with the top five (5) submissions receiving $100 worth
of equipment. It is hoped that these ideas will be used in future
revisions to the manuals or in supplementary manuals.

Softball Ontario would like to thank everyone for their time and
dedication this past year.

By working together we can make sure our great game of Softball is alive
and well for many years to come.

Thanks again, see you on the diamond.

Mike Samways
Participation Program Coordinator
Softball Ontario
1185 Eglinton Ave East
North York, ON
Phone:   416 426 7150
Fax:   416 426 7368
Email:  msamways at softballontario.ca
Web site:  www.softballontario.ca

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