[Alsfastball] intermediate league action in PEI

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 15 10:02:12 EDT 2004

From: "Patrick Healey" <pat_healey at pei.sympatico.ca>
         "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: intermediate league action
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 03:54:26 -0300

A' s visit Twins tonight

SUMMERSIDE - The Alberton A's will travel to QUEEN ELIZABETH PARK's VIV 
FIELD for a double header tonight against the SUMMERSIDE MOOSEHEAD GRECO 
TWINS at 7 and 9 pm as they look to close the gap on runaway league leading 
Kinkora Hitmen.
Fans are encouragedto come out and watch some great intermediate ball as 
the races for position heat up during the September races.

From: "Patrick Healey" <pat_healey at pei.sympatico.ca>

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