[Alsfastball] Doug Charlton tosses a 2 Hitter as Alvinston takes Game 1 of the best of 5 Final

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 22 00:37:29 EDT 2004

From: "Paul McCart" <fastballchico13 at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Doug Charlton tosses a 2 Hitter as Alvinston takes Game 1 of the 
best of 5 Final
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 03:48:59 +0000

    Glencoe ON

   Alvinston Takes Game 1 on the strength of Charltons 2 hitter and RBI'S 
from Mike Black and Brad Young.This was a well played game by both teams 
with many Fans in Attendance.Game 2 is This Thursday at 8:30 In Alvinston.


    WP Doug Charlton  2 Hits 8 K'S 0 runs
          Mike Black 2-4  RBI
          Brad Young 1-1 2 Sac,RBI
          Joe Triest    1-3 ,Triple ,W,Run


    LP Shawn Winship  4 hits 3 W,2 Runs
        Ryan Wolfe  1-3
        Kyle Mitchell 1-3

     From > fastballchico13 at hotmail.com

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