[Alsfastball] ISC Board of Director Vote - Pitcher List

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Oct 1 14:46:30 EDT 2004

Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 14:45:08 -0400
From: KLSPORTS at aol.com
Subject: ISC Board of Director Vote - Pitcher List

Here is a forward of Dick's email to all ISC Board of Director members 
regarding the just completed vote to rescind the Pitcher List motion passed 
in August.

As Dick says, the Pitcher List rule has been defeated and our 2005 rules 
will be identical to those used in 2004.

There are some other changes approved by the Board of Directors in August 
and those will be coming out shortly in a separate email.  None involve 
pitchers or Out of Area situations.

If questions, let us know.

Ken Hackmeister
Executive Director
mailto:KLSPORTS at aol.com

Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 15:52:39 -0600
From: "Dick Mason" <dickmason at qwest.net>

The results are in on the below motion to rescind the pitcher list rules 
for 2005. The motion passed by a 27 to 10 vote. The OOA rules for 2005 are 
the same as they were for 2004. Here are the votes by region:
                                For        Against
South                       3               2
North                      10               2
West                         3               5
East                          5               1
Canada                    6                0

Total                        27              10

Thanks for the fast response to the Player Rep Committee request.

The ISC Player Rep Committee has recently voted to request the Board 
rescind the pitcher list rules for 2005 and play the 2005 season under the 
same OOA rules as 2004. The following motion has been made by Tom Crouch 
and seconded by Charlie Smith.

That the following two motions that were passed last August by the ISC 
Board of Directors be rescinded by the Board:

A Motion was made by Tom Crouch that any team that plays in the World 
Tournament be allowed only 2 pitchers on their roster from a pitchers list 
as developed and monitored by the Player Rep Committee. Second by Ferdi 
Nelissen. Approved.

A motion was made by Tom Crouch that any team that develops & brings a 
pitcher to ISC sanctioned play and gets that pitcher placed on the Player 
Rep pitcher list will be allowed to keep that pitcher as well as their 2 
pitchers from the list. Second by Ferdi Nelissen. Approved.


The reasons the player reps want to rescind this pitcher list rules are 
because they felt there wasn't enough time in Fargo to fully discuss and 
analyze the subject and that some of the reps that were initially in favor 
of the rule have had second thoughts. They would like to consider this rule 
as well as others in the off-season.

The Executive Committee supports this decision of the Player Rep Committee.


Since there was a deadline of October 1 for this pitcher list and related 
rule to be announced, there needs to be a shortened discussion period and 
voting period. It is now open for discussion until midnight Sunday, 
September 26. Starting Monday until midnight Wednesday, the 29th, all 
voting members are asked to vote for or against the motion through their 
Regional  Vice Presidents. It will take a majority of all voting members of 
the Board to pass.  Regional VP's are asked to send their Region results to 
Dick Mason, Larry Fisher and Ken Hackmeister no later than noon, Thursday, 
September 30.

Dick Mason
ISC President
mailto:dickmason at qwest.net

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