[Alsfastball] Ontario Masters Fastball news

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Oct 25 00:27:11 EDT 2004

From: "Dave Birnie" <ranger11 at idirect.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 15:38:40 -0400
Subject: Ontario Masters Fastball news

Starting in November the Ontario Masters Fastball web site will have a
monthly feature recognizing people involved in Masters Fastball in Ontario.
The purpose of this monthly feature is to recognize and promote individuals
involved with masters fastball. I would like to recognize persons who have
made contributions to masters fastball or have made significant
personal achievements whether fastball related or not. For example, I had a
small tidbit about Dave Bedford who pitches for
the Toronto Bingos. Dave was Canada's chef de mission at the Olympics in
Athens Greece, quite an impressive personal achievement.
Please send me your nominations with contact info. I already have 2 persons
in mind for November's feature.

The Ontario Masters Fastball web site has been updated with 2 polls.
Poll # 1 asks "What should the age be for position players ?"
Poll # 2 asks " Should Senior / ISC players be allowed to play Masters ?"
Once you have voted you can post your comments, please use proper

Other recent posts include ......

Masters Fastball in North America - 2004 recap
A recap for masters fastball in North America and also a look ahead to 2005.

Final Ontario Masters Rankings

Manotick Lomor Printers take North Bay Title

The Ontario Masters Fastball web site has received 14360 visitors since Aug.
07 / 2003
Make sure to visit the site often for all your masters fastball news from
Ontario and beyond.

Yours in Sport

Dave Birnie
Web Site Administrator
Ontario Masters Fastball
E-mail : ranger11 at idirect.com
Home : 905-573-9637

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