[Alsfastball] Ontario Masters News

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Nov 18 01:00:29 EST 2004

From: "Dave Birnie" <ranger11 at idirect.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 00:03:55 -0500
Subject: Ontario Masters News

Ontario Masters News

There has been much discussion over the last several months regarding AGE 
eligibility and PLAYER eligibility for masters players in Ontario.
There are 2 polls on the Ontario Masters Fastball web site dealing with 
these two issues.

Poll # 1

What should the age be for position players in Ontario ?
So far 81 people have voted and 49 % of the voters say go to 40 for all 
players immediately.

Poll # 2

Should Senior / ISC players be allowed to play masters ?
35 % of the 57 voters say let em play one full year after Senior / ISC 
career is over.

To view the complete poll results or to vote check out the Ontario Masters 
Fastball web site

Other recent posts to the web site include .................

1970 London Cable TV Team inducted into London's Hall of Fame .....
Team featured pitchers, Dick Hames and Pete Landers.

Duemo Top Pitcher in GHFL .....

Prime Minister sends his regards to Cobourg .....
Prime Minister, Paul Martin sends his greetings to athletes & volunteers
at the 2004 Canadian Masters Fastball Championship

Canadian Masters Fastball Association .......
The Canadian Masters Fastball Association now have their own web page
in partnership with the Ontario Masters Fastball web site.

Please send me your nominations for " Masters of the Game " a monthly feature
recognizing and promoting people involved with masters fastball in Ontario.
You can nominate someone who has contributed to Masters Fastball in Ontario or
someone who has attained personal achievements, milestones, unique or 
unusual profession etc.
The monthly " Masters of the Game ' features are for general interest.

Yours in Sport

Dave Birnie
Web Site Administrator
Ontario Masters Fastball
E-mail : <mailto:ranger11 at idirect.com>mailto:ranger11 at idirect.com

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