[Alsfastball] Ontario Masters News

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Nov 22 10:30:18 EST 2004

From: "Dave Birnie" <ranger11 at idirect.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 09:08:56 -0500

Ontario Masters News

In my most recent post to Al's List I touched on the topic of Masters AGE 
eligibility and PLAYER eligibility.
Both of these rules were addressed at the O.A.S.A.'s  82nd Annual 
Convention in Peterborough.
The rules are spelled out on the Ontario Masters Fastball web site but in a 
nutshell, the age for position players is
moving to 40 through a grandfather clause and all players can play Masters 
and Intermediate Men's but NOT for
a Senior Men's team at the Ontario Championship.

Other recent posts include ..........

Final poll results for PLAYER eligibility AND AGE eligibility..........

New Poll : who will be the team to beat in 2005 ? ..........

Hames " Mr. Perfect " in 2004 ..........

Please send me your nominations for " Masters of the Game " a monthly feature
recognizing and promoting people involved with masters fastball in Ontario.
You can nominate someone who has contributed to Masters Fastball in Ontario or
someone who has attained personal achievements, milestones, unique or
unusual profession etc. The monthly " Masters of the Game ' features are 
for general interest.

Please make sure to visit the Ontario Masters Fastball web site and vote 
for the " Team to beat in 2005 "
Also, make sure to check out the " My site news " page with over 30 items 

Ontario Masters Fastball web site : http://eteamz.active.com/omf/

Yours in Sport

Dave Birnie
Web Site Administrator
Ontario Masters Fastball
E-mail : mailto:ranger11 at idirect.com

  Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS: http://www.escribe.com/sports/alsfastball/
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