[Alsfastball] ISC Announces Historical Page On Its Website; Seeks Input From Fans and Players

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Dec 5 23:24:45 EST 2004

From: "GWise" <sgwise at woh.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 15:17:14 -0500

ISC Announces Historical Page On Its Website; Seeks Input From Fans and Players

With the appointment of Bret Baughman as International Softball Congress 
Historian, the ISC in "full speed ahead" mode in developing the 
organization's Historical Section.

Following the encouragement and considerable assistance from both Roger May 
and Al Doran, ISC Executive Director Ken Hackmeister approved the 
development of this section.

Hackmeister notes that, "We are really grateful to both Roger May and Al 
Doran for moving this project forward.  Roger actually developed the data 
for several of the years and tested it to see if enough information could 
be gathered to make it worthwhile and whether it would work on the web 
site.  When Bret came on board as the official Historian, he has taken on 
the task of developing more information for the section."

Baughman has spent much of the past few months creating year-by-year data 
of earlier ISC World Tournaments, ISC personnel, and other information, 
which will be of interest to those who played or watched those various 
years' tournaments.

The Historical Section is located at: 

At that site, information is available on most of the tournaments from 1947 
through seasons into the 1990's.  The years, which are missing, are being 
worked on and will be posted as they become available.

Hackmeister urged anybody with old photos, clippings, or anything else 
which they feel might be a good addition to a given year's site to send 
such information to Al Doran at 
<mailto:aldoran at pmihrm.com>aldoran at pmihrm.com or by mail at 58 Penwick 
Circle, Richmond Hill, ON. L4C 5B4.  Al will scan the items and post them.

The I.S.C. hopes this historical section of our web site will be enjoyed by 
old timers and by new fans and players alike.

December 5, 2004

From:  Gordon Wise
ISC Information Officer
<mailto:sgwise at woh.rr.com>sgwise at woh.rr.com

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