[Alsfastball] Is Calgary Dead Again?

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Dec 7 18:31:22 EST 2004

From: PeterJPorcelli at aol.com
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 17:59:44 EST
Subject: Is Calgary Dead Again?

Calgary, AB

You know, I just took a look at the name of my article on our team about 
three weeks ago. It was entitled, "Calgary Answers those who say we are 
dead." I at first thought that these rumors were so silly they were in 
fact, comical. After all, I am privy to the operations of the team's most 
inner sanctum! So the idea that anyone would circulate the notion that we 
may be finito was so far out in left field, I thought, that I picked it as 
the title to serve more as a punch line to a joke that could not make an 
audience on laughing gas giggle.

      Then I read that Sean Whitten has signed with Aspen of Saskatoon. In 
looking at the copy, even having not heard from my GM in Calgary, I 
immediately can tell from Jason Kurlyk's manner, it is for real. Not a 
hoax. Well he has made some hay about Patty Mackintosh signing as well. And 
I thought that I had always supported this team's efforts to become a 
contender, first writing about them on several occasions, then having the 
satisfaction of seeing them do so well in the ISC and The Canuck Nationals 
(National Champs they are), having them ask me to consider managing them 
before I told them I would stay with Calgary.

      When there seemed to be a little "Let's get Calgary's guys" in the 
air, I thought their aspirations to shoot high were commendable. Jason knew 
I was interested in Trevor Ethier for our infield, but when Jason signed 
him as a pitcher as well, thought that to be an upgrade. I also did not 
think they could afford to lose Brian Newton, though. The nice thing with 
all these pitchers is that they are locals. And Victoria thinks they are 
deep in pitching talent! Now they have Whitty. I have to tip my hat. They 
have a good pitcher.

      Turns out that the details between us and Sean Whitten were not 
finalized, which is nothing new, Whitty takes forever to deliver the pitch 
to the plate as well, (Ha!). But when he conveyed to our GM that he felt 
that Aspen had a better chance to win the Canadians again than the Calgary 
team would in St. Thomas, it got me to thinking.
True enough, I have to admit they have an excellent chance of repeating at 
the Canadian's this year, even with the dream team from the host being formed.

      So, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, we wish Whitty well, and 
again find ourselves looking for a number two behind Frank Cox. Anyone 
interested, please contact myself or Kelly Wenstrom.

      I can tell you I have already reached out and left two messages for 
the guy I would love to have most. But, I am certainly forgetting at least 
three guys who if I had their names in my mind would certainly fit the 
billing and help us win our first World Title this year. We are not 
building, we are not looking to get  more competitive. We want to win it 
all, now, period. The ISC. Will you three guys, if you are available and do 
not begrudge me for not remembering who I should be calling, please forgive 
me and call my fat butt here in Florida? I want the best available out 
there, and a team guy to boot. A fierce competitor who feels this is a good 

      If anything else happens, although I can assure you we will be 
financially stable at all times, but maybe hurting for one position, and 
need a stud, I will advise you in the same candid manner I do always. I 
will not mince words, I will admit whatever happens for the better or 
worse, but trust that only good things will happen from here on out. 
(That's 'owt,' said with an Ontarian accent.) Many think the accent is 
Canadian. But little do you find out until you have coached in Canuck land 
for four or more years that the accents are as diverse as the USA. That 
Global mentality we Americans have only makes enough room to think 
Americans have regional accents, but take a BC resident and an Ontarian and 
you will quickly see. Don't even talk to me about the French! Where does 
that put Calgary? Well, let us say that they are the Midwesterners of the 
Canadian countryside, with an almost undistinguishable (for a Canuck) 
accent, but we Calgarians are short a pitcher!!! You don't need an accent 
to understand that!

Peter J. Porcelli, II
Calgary Diamonds
Reply to:
PeterJPorcelli at Aol.com

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