[Alsfastball] Poaching

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Dec 11 12:48:18 EST 2004

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 01:37:28 -0600 (CST)
From: zakkflash at greenbaynet.com
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

Denmark, WI
December 11, 2004

I know no one has heard from me in a long time and I've gotten loads of
e-mails.  The Circle Tap team at this point in time stands the same as it
was at the end of the WT plus and excellent catcher Steve Sell, like I

The purpose of this statement is simply because I am sick of hearing of
players/sponsors/friends of other teams trying to lure players away from
our team.  Granted there is no set time when you can "court" players but
I(and I don't speak for our excellent sponsor, but I'm sure he agrees)
that at this point in time when major teams have their roster set it's
time to back off.  We(CT) have never gone up to a player and said, "How
would you like to play for Circle Tap."  If a team has folded up or a
player was looking to move on then....and only then! would (CT) consider
that player.  Maybe this is only our(CT) way of running a team, but
I(myself, who is a nobody) pride ourself in having only top notch players
who want to be here because they want to be.  I find it absolutely
OFFENSIVE that sponsors/players/coaches have approached our players for
2005.  We(CT) would never do that but I guess we are a little more humane
than that.  We (CT) are trying to keep the game going.

CT Fastpitch
zakkflash at greenbaynet.com

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