[Alsfastball] Alvinston Indians Jimmy Shaw Memorial Fastball

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Jan 2 11:35:01 EST 2005

1/2/05 11:17:35 AM 
From:  "Paul McCart" <fastballchico13 at hotmail.com> 
Add to People Section  
To:  fastball at pmihrm.com  

Subject:  Alvinston Indians Jimmy Shaw Memorial Fastball Tournament
July 15,16,17 2005  


Alvinston On.

The Alvinston Indians will be hosting a 12-16 Team tournament
15,16,17.This tournament will be an Intermediate ,ISC II class

Last year The Highgate Rock defeated the Indians in the Final.This

will be a very good tune up tourney for the Ontario Elims and
the ISC II

Entry> 325.00
Format> Doubleknockout

For more info Contact Paul McCart @ 519 287 3301 Home or Work
519 695 
2827 ,Email fastballchico13 at hotmail.com

>From fastballchico13 at hotmail.com


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