[Alsfastball] re: Template letter to local politican re Canada Games

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Feb 3 15:07:49 EST 2005

2/3/05 9:03:26 AM 
From:  "Setford, Blair" <BSetford at cifunds.com> 

Subject:  re: Template letter to local politican re Canada Games


A reminder that letters to Members of Parliament can be mailed
without a stamp.
If you don't know who your MP is, you can search on this web
site based on your postal code: http://canada.gc.ca/directories/direct_e.html
Take the time to customize the letter at http://www.escribe.com/sports/alsfastball/m16791.html
and send it to your MP today - it is important for our game.
Blair Setford
ISC II Commissioner
blairjs at rogers.com

Als Fastball List
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Website: http://www.pmihrm.com
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