[Alsfastball] Oklahoma fastball team looking for contacts, games, tournaments...

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Apr 19 08:06:37 EDT 2005

From: "John G." <nativebackstop at hotmail.com>

My name is John Goombi (pronounced goom-bye) and I'm from Oklahoma.  We 
have an all Indian fastpitch team and are looking to broaden our game by 
hosting and playing upper echelon/level teams, be it with tournaments, 
round robins, etc.  We're excited about the elevating our game and the 
competition in our region of the country, but it's hard when we ca'nt get 
even just contact information to get started.  We have a couple of good 
facilities and municipalities that are willing to work with us to host 
events.  We have the facilities, the towns and officials to take the next 
step in strengthening the game...all we need is the teams.  Although there 
are a number of quality teams in this area, it would be nice to play 
different teams.  We played in the NAFA AAA and A Major tournaments last 
year.  Except for two of our pitchers unable to make it, we had a great 
time and had a lot of fun getting to know where we need to be, as a team, 
to compete at the next level.  With the exception of the Riversharks, we, 
at one time or another, had the lead in all of our AAA games.  Like I said 
earlier, all we want is to expand on what we've done in the past, but it's 
hard to do when we  play the same teams weekend after weekend.

If there's any way that you can help us expedite our endeavors, feel free 
to email me at 
<mailto:nativebackstop at hotmail.com>nativebackstop at hotmail.com or calling me 
at home;  405.247.8860

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.


John Goombi
Oklahoma 49ers Men's Fastpitch

  From: "John G." <nativebackstop at hotmail.com>

  Als Fastball List
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