[Alsfastball] Canadian Masters Coburg

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 22 15:18:40 EDT 2005

Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 13:46:03 -0400

Thread-Topic: Canadian Masters Coburg

From: "Hamilton, Tim" <Tim.Hamilton at freedom55financial.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Cc: tim_hamilton5236 at hotmail.com

Hello again,
I wish to, once again, thank all involved for trying to keep Masters 
Fastball alive. And the fields in Coburg are the best I have ever played 
on. However, I have some serious concerns about the trend I am seeing. I 
was out of Fastball for 6 years and returned in 2004 with Alvinston. I was 
so happy to be back that I was unconcerned where we played or how things 
were set up. After completing the last 2 years I will not return if I know 
the set up is the same in Coburg. There is no legitimate excuse in the 
fastball world that would cause a team (not ours) to be 2 and 1 in the 
divisional play and then have to possibly play 5 more games to win it all. 
8 games in 2 days. Last year we played 7 games in 2 and 1/2 days to finish 
3rd. We would have had to forfeit the final if we had made it because of 
fatigue and injury. The world tournament does not play that many games in 6 
days! I have not been associated with any tournament in any sport (I have 
played hundreds) that required this amount of action from any teams, let 
alone guys over 40 and 50 and more. It also seems that the schedules the 
last 2 years in Coburg were set with different motives than sportsmanship. 
Last year the schedule seemingly changed on our trip down to play.

Anyway, enough griping. Ball is always great and it is great to play a lot 
of the old and new masters. I just fear that if run like this it will die 
an early death which would be a shame.

Once again, these are only my views and are not necessarily shared by 
anyone else on my team.
Tim Hamilton

P.S. My wife came for 1 game only and paid $10 to get in and $4 for a beer. 
I paid less than that for a Jays game 3 weeks ago.

Kudos to the guy who brings the souvenirs. I know he takes a chance on 
sales and I want him to know his efforts are much appreciated. I hope he 
will forward me his e-mail address.

Tim Hamilton
Mailto:Tim.Hamilton at freedom55financial.com

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