[Alsfastball] Kelder Poured Walls, LeMay's Win at NAFA World Series

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 28 20:31:07 EDT 2005

From: "Brett Bresnahan" <mnfastpitch at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Kelder Poured Walls, LeMay's Win at NAFA World Series
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 16:51:54 -0500

North Mankato, Minnesota

Kelder Poured Walls defeated Buist Electric 3-2 in an All-Michigan 
Championship game for the Class A Title at the NAFA World Series in 
North Mankato, Minnesota.

LeMay's Humphrey Street Grill of Lake Crystal, Minnesota captured the 
inaugural 23-and-Under crown with a 9-4 win over the Kegel Black Knights (ND).

Final wrap to follow tonite.

Brett Bresnahan
<mailto:mnfastpitch at hotmail.com>mnfastpitch at hotmail.com

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