[Alsfastball] Niagara Falls Men's League playoffs

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 7 13:37:21 EDT 2005

Subject: Niagara Falls Men's League playoffs
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 08:49:48 -0400

Thread-Topic: Niagara Falls Men's League playoffs

From: "Greatrix, Rob" <rgreatrix at kpmg.ca>

Niagara Falls Canada
Hi Al
The Niagara Falls Men's League playoffs began a couple weeks ago with two 
three game semi finals. Niagara Cool Hand Lukes defeated Niagara Fury two 
games to one. Red Hot Chilli Pepper defeated Niagara Beam Me Up Scotties 
two games to none. The best of five final is now knotted at two apiece 
after a 6-5 Lukes win last night. So it appears tonight will wrap up the 
league playoffs and this will guarantee a new champion in the Falls for at 
least the third consecutive year as the Fury are the defending champs.

Rob Greatrix

Senior Manager
KPMG Enterprise

905-682-2008 (fax)
1-800-223-5709 (toll free)
rgreatrix at kpmg.ca

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