[Alsfastball] 2006 Tournament List - men's fastball tournaments

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Sep 10 12:45:23 EDT 2005

Recently we launched the ISC Tournament List for 2006.

If you have an ISC or ISC II level men's tournament, please send us the URL
for your event along with the Location (City, State/Province), Dates,
Type/Level of Event, Contact Information, etc.

If you do not have a URL (web site), please prepare a press release with the
above information and we will crate a web link with the basic information
on it.  We are using http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball to create the 
links for tournaments that do not have their own site.



  Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball
    eScribe is down, and may be out


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