[Alsfastball] PRAWN ruling - Sylvia Ryan

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Sep 18 10:07:49 EDT 2005

From: "Sylvia Ryan" <sylvia.ryan at rogers.com>
To: "'Al's Fastball'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: PRAWN ruling
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 07:58:17 -0400

I have had a lot of trouble understanding this PRAWN ruling ,and even after 
reading Deans interpretation still partly in the dark.
I have heard a lot of players saying they are not for it and one player Rep 
against it.
I think a survey to  players (especially ones attending the ISC World 
tournament) would have been a good idea to get a more overall response 
instead of ISC commissioners and Player Reps having the final say.


Sylvia Ryan

Secretary/Treasurer Oshawa City & District Fastball League
Manager Claremont Rebels
Manager Bracebridge Dura Pros
Vice President Canadian Masters Fastball Association
Phone: 905-432-3272
FAX: 905-432-3721
e-Mail: <mailto:sylvia.ryan at rogers.com>sylvia.ryan at rogers.com

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