[Alsfastball] The Decline of the ISC (PRAWNS) - Todd Martin

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Sep 18 15:36:27 EDT 2005

From: "Todd Martin" <t__martin19 at sympatico.ca>
Subject: The Decline of the ISC
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 14:59:28 -0400

After countless conversations about the latest PRAWN rule I decided to put 
my two cents worth out for public consumption.  I have been privy to quite 
a few emails from the "powers that be" so my tone might not be as forgiving 
as some but it gets exhausting year after year to keep swinging at 
air.  I'll apologize for the length and the sarcasm in advance.

The latest way to screw up the ISC World Championship might be the most 
laughable one yet.  I, like most players had no idea that something as 
ridiculous as this rule would ever be put in motion let alone pass.  I 
guess we the players are to blame for sitting back and letting someone take 
what was once ours.  The opportunity to win a World Championship!!!

Let's all laugh together as we look at a couple of facts.  The ISC took a 
perfectly good 48 team double knock out tourney and turned it in to a pool 
play event in order to keep a few teams around a couple of days longer 
regardless if they were getting beat 18-0 with 9 guys because half their 
team left Monday morning to go back to work.

That wasn't good enough so now they make two super pools so the big teams 
can put on a show during the first weekend of the ISC instead of the last 
weekend which in my mind seems a little backwards but that's just me.

In the mean time they have come up with a rule to restrict players from 
playing out of area.  The OOA storm passed through and people made their 
peace with it but that wasn't good enough.  They now have to put in a rule 
that contradicts the OOA rule by saying that you can play in area but only 
if you haven't been successful in the ISC before.  Does that make 
sense?  Not to me!

I almost forgot, this is the kicker...because of the new "Super Pool" idea, 
they have made it really tough for the superstars in the world to make All 
World.  Conversely, it is much easier for the rest of the teams in pools 
c-h to make All World simply because they don't have to face the best 
pitchers or the best hitters hence filling the weaker teams full of PRAWNS 
thus not allowing them to make additions the following year.  That makes 
sense...doesn't it?

I'm looking forward to these conversations...
"Congratulations, you had a tough year but a great week.  You made all 
world, that's great, by the way, I'm sorry you can't play here anymore but 
I think they only have three PRAWNS on that team in Iowa...give them a 
call...damn, you can't...you are out of area...you could always go to 
modified I guess."  GREAT IDEA BOYS

Essentially this rule allows all teams loaded with PRAWNS to remain 
together until retirement and allows no other teams the opportunity to try 
and chase them down.  I guess maybe that is what the ISC had in mind when 
they decided to play all the great games on the first weekend instead of 
the last.

Here are some questions that the players should be asking.  Why are player 
reps acting alone?  Who are some of the player reps and why would we have 
player reps representing our interests when they don't play the game any 
longer?  Who votes on the All World players?  How could such a prestigious 
yet ARBITRARY award dictate the fate of a ball team/player.

Here's a couple of thoughts...don't make the All World team on purpose so 
you have no boundaries...talk to one of your buddies that votes so you 
don't make the All World team so you have no boundaries...team up in a 6-0 
game so your stats aren't that good so your aren't All World and have no 
boundaries...take the nothing game off in your pool play so you don't have 
enough plate appearances so you don't make All World so you have no 
boundaries.  I'm not saying guys would do this but my point is...THEY 

Another thought...god forbid if someone like Victoria wanted to put a team 
back together for the ISC's in Kitchener.  A place loaded with tradition 
and talent wouldn't be able to because most guys out there have at some 
point or another won something.  I suppose they could send 9 teams to the 
ISC in order to have all their pitchers be allowed to play...after all, 
there is sooooo much money in Canadian softball according to the "powers 
that be" that 8 other sponsors would love to have Korrey, Colin, Peach, 
Smitty...etc and it would be easy for them to throw a team together to get 
to Kitchener.

I encourage players to voice there opinion, hopefully it is not too late to 
have this thing rescinded.  From what I have heard, there are a lot of 
teams that are simply going to pack it in.  Make no mistake, we are 
watching the decline of the ISC.

Todd Martin

From: "Todd Martin" <t__martin19 at sympatico.ca>

  Als Fastball List
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