[Alsfastball] New team web site in New Zealand - Marist Magic

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 21 09:44:22 EDT 2005

From: <jason at hitchins.co.nz>
To: "'Al Doran'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: RE: New team web site in New Zealand - Marist Magic
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:28:26 +1200

Rotorua, New Zealand

My name is Jason Gerbes.

I am the international Scott/Player for our Men's Fastpitch Team in New 
Zealand. This notice is for two Men's Fastpitch utility players, (Pitcher 
would be advantage) wanted urgently. We require the services of top players 
for our Premier Team in the New Zealand Fastpitch Softball Season from 
November to end of March 2006. Our team is "Marist St Michaels Magic" and 
plays out of the Rotorua Softball Association based in Rotorua, New 
Zealand. We are a travelling team, with tournaments through out NZ all 
season long concluding with the Softball New Zealand Club Championships. 
Additional information can be sort on our website 
Please contact me urgently and provide your details. Prompt replies would 
be appreciated. Chopper jason at hitchins.co.nz

Loving the long ball.
Marist St Michaels Magic Softball
Web Page www.leaguelineup.com/marist-magic

Jason Gerbes
email: jason at hitchins.co.nz
Mobile:   021 527 667
Fax:        07 348 7311
10 Horoeka Street
New Zealand

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