[Alsfastball] PRAWN - Todd Budke

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Sep 26 19:09:23 EDT 2005

Received: 9/26/05 2:33:19 PM
From: "Todd Budke" <tbudke at verizon.net>
to People Section
To: <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: PRAWN
MIME Ver: 1.0


Hi Al,

   I want to add a few things to the mix:

   In reading the ISC's stance and a few other posts on the new prawn 
rule the sole purpose of it is to level the playing field because the 
top teams are ruing the game due to the money they spend on there 
respective teams and this forces teams to quit.  There may be some 
truth to this but the main reason teams are dropping is there simply 
isn't enough players and the cost of travel.  This year we just made 
40 teams in Wisconsin (centrally located)...what are the chances of 
getting 40 next year in Waterloo?  Are some of the ICS II teams going 
to fill in?  I live in an area that has a tremendous supply of 
players but they all play at the C level.  Do you think any of them 
would like to play at the Worlds?  I would imagine every one of them 
would....then tell them that it will require them to miss 20-30 days 
of work and fly around 50,000 miles for the season.  Not everyone can 
make that commitment so they are stuck playing locally.  My point 
being travel costs play a huge role in teams dropping along with the 
lack of places to play.  I don't know of anything that can help this 
but getting more areas involved in the open fastpitch,  but then it 
all falls back on players especially pitching.  Has anyone cared to 
look into the future of USA softball?  Canada reloads it pitching the 
States retire theirs.  Yes we still have pitching but we don't have 
the numbers to support many top teams.

      Does everyone think that spreading out the talent will bring 
more teams in?  I agree with Ken that we will never know unless it is 
tried but lets come up with a plan that will do it.  I find it hard 
to believe that anyone actually spent time looking into 
this.  Anything based on the selection of all world teams makes 
absolutely no sense.  First of all it is hardly subjective I have 
seen guys make it with 3 hits...I have seen guys not make it that had 
more hits than the tourney's leading hitter had at bats.  You are 
going to base a persons career and his choices on where he can play 
based on 4 games in August?  Does anyone see this as absolutely 
ridiculous?    What about ranking players in different 
pools?  A,B,C,D and allowing only so many per pool to be on 
teams?  The pools need to be based on a players season not 4 
games.  Maybe this can be looked into.

   Players committe.. this is the most laughable.  I think the idea 
is they are acting in the best interest of the players.  We need some 
criteria in selecting this group.  First all you should be a player 
and participate at the world tourney.  Former players and coaches or 
ISC members need not apply.  Every ISC world team needs a player rep 
in charge of communitcating so when game altering rules are being 
brought in everyone has at least had a chance to add input.  Have 
rosters submitted  with emails and select one player to be in charge 
of information.  There would be no excuses as to why anyone was not 
informed.  It should be set up as a players union that works hand in 
hand with the ISC to try and keep this game going.  We all need to be 
on the same page.  This would also eliminate what some people 
consider "whining" from popular players.....it is every players right 
to question rules and regs as it relates to the game.  Do you 
honestly think that players should just go along with every change 
that is proposed?  We as players also have to face the fact that the 
days of double elimination are gone.  It does take a lot of money to 
do what the ISC does and if that means 40 teams staying for at least 
4 or 5 days to be successful then we need to accept it and play 
within the set up.  The Super pool is another change that is not 
popular among the players but if it does bring more fans to the games 
to see the match ups than regular pool play does it is hard to argue 
that it doesnt work from that standpoint.  I would like to see how 
the pool game attendence matches up with Eau Claire in 2001 versus 
this year and also see next year in Waterloo how it matches up 
attendence wise versus 2002.  Is it a result of the super pool match 
ups or because Waterloo and Eau Claire are hot beds for fastpitch 
fans? We should reserve judgement either way on this until the 
numbers prove conclusive one way or the other.  If in fact the Super 
pools bring more fans to the yard nothing we can do but accept it as 
a positive for the game and play on.

   Roger May has said it correctly and what I truly think is killing 
the game....we are running out of players.. I wish I had the answer 
for that then none of this would ever be needed.  Pat Graham brought 
up many valid points in his article why this needs to be seriously 
looked at and revised or eliminated.   John Mikan, I find your 
comments insulting. You should apoligize to anyone that has ever 
played the great game of fastpitch because they love it.  Yes, there 
may be a few that try and chase a dollar or tooney but to say 
everyone that plays on a top level team does it for the money is 
asanine.  You are not very well informed.  Start your own team you 
say?  I guess I could but I can't afford to get guys to the tourneys 
all over N. American.  I could start a C team here.  Let me 
think....I could stay with my current team and travel to places like 
Moncton,Orillia, Eau Claire and face guys like Cox,Martin,Mata and Z 
or drive up to Bakersfield with my new C team and face the KHT 
Pumpers.  Good for the pocketbook you say?  I miss approxiamately 
25-30 days of work because of my travel schedule, it cost me money to 
play.  I am not whining either I choose to do this.  I do it because 
I love to play and I love the guys I play with.  Why shouldn't I or 
any other player be allowed to pick the team they want to play for?

In summary:  If the majority of the players think that by spreading 
out the talent and breaking up certain teams is the way to keep this 
game alive then lets all get together and make it work...lets leave 
the prawn for what it truly is a very tasty crustacean.

all comments are welcome

Hi my name is Todd Budke and I am a PRAWN...."Hi Todd"

From: "Todd Budke" <tbudke at verizon.net>

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