Grand slam from Samuel puts NZ into championship round - women

fastball fastball at
Fri Jul 7 07:29:39 EDT 2006

Received: 7/7/06 3:46:56 AM 
From:  Vance <vanf(at)> 

  Grand slam from Samuel puts NZ into championship round  

Grand slam from Samuel puts NZ into championship round
Friday July 7th 2006

The Junior White Sox have qualified for the championship round
of theCanada Cup Futures tournament in Vancouver with a win today
in theirfinal round robin game. 

This morning the Junior White Sox defeated Calahoo Erins 9-2
with a grandslam home run from Liani Samuel of Hawkes Bay proving
decisive in thegame. 

With the bases loaded and two down Samuel was brought into the
game as apinch hitter and she delivered by smashing the ball
over the centre fieldfence to score four runs and put the Junior
White Sox ahead 7-2. Thegrand slam was Samuel’s first ever home

Also performing well with the bat today were Emma Frost of Canterbury
whopicked up three hits form four at bats, while Brooke Cutting
fromWellington hit a triple and Katrina Stockford of Hutt Valley
andCanterbury’s Carmelle Sorensen both crossed home plate twice
in thegame.

On the mound for New Zealand Courtney Maihi of Waikato started
the gamefacing 14 batters and giving up three walks and three
hits while takingfour strikeouts. Hutt Valley’s Jessica Hau came
into the game as reliefpitcher in the fourth inning facing 15
batters and taking two strikeoutswhile giving up three hits.

The victory today have secured the Junior White Sox a place in
thechampionship round which begins tomorrow. Who the New Zealand
team willplay in the championship round has still to be determined.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
* mailto:kelly.mitchell at
*mailto:snz at 

Cheers Vance 
Softball New Zealand web master.
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