Sixteen teams are competing in the annual West St. Paul, MN tournament for a berth to the 2009 ISC II Tournament of Champions in Quad Cities.
Wilber Lime Galesville WI
Herda & Sons Hollywood MI
Grand 7 Saloon St Paul MN
Magic City A’s Minot ND
Pirates Farmington MN
Custom Rock St Paul MN
New Image Mondfort WI
Gallagher’s Bar St Paul, MN
Wonderoos Wonderoos WI
The Stadium Duluth, MN
Jordan Realty Minneapolis MN
Imaging Solutions Fargo ND
ABS- Villard Villard MN
Len’s Automotive St PAul MN
Cerro Gordo Dawson,MN
Preston Merchants Preston MN
Results Friday 18 July
Herda & Sons 3 Picher Christain Pachero Catcher Mariano Jaurez
Custom Rock 2 Pitcher Josh Limex Catcher Troy Wesley
Len’s Automotive 11 Picher Bob Tapp Catcher Nick Leach
Gallagherâ’s Bar 4 Pitcher Tommy Vanders Catcher Garrod San Dauch
Saturday 19 July
Wilber Lime 1 Pitcher Dan Wahl Catcher Steve Hovell
Jordan realty 0 Pitcher Kevin Kammuller Catcher Bill Lesher
Grand 7 7 Picher Mike Tschida John Tschida 7th Catcher Mike Gerundo
Preston Merchants 6 Picher Ryan Schner Catcher Brett Scheever
Cerro Gordo 3 Pitcher Kyle Kosske Catcher Brody Richerson
The Stadium 1 Pitcher Dave Myer Catcher Jamie Mills
Wonderoos 5 (8inn) Pitcher Mike Fink Catcher Ricky Danielson
Pirates 4 Pitcher Miah Vanbocken Catcher Jeremy Hendrickson
Magic City 0 Pitcher Rick Lange Catcher Scott Collins
Villard 1 Pitcher Mitch Hardy Catcher Tom Schoeberh
Gallagherâ’s Bar 2 Pitcher Ed Vandebusch Dave Doocey 5th Catcher Santino Vasquez Dave Vandebusch 5th
The Stadium 12 Pitcher Bud Joyce Brett Koslowski 4th Catcher Jamie Mills
New Image 3 Pitcher Brian Lethrob Catcher Jeff Jahn
Imaging Solutions 8 Pitcher Brady Woods Catcher Cody Cavett
Cerro Gordo 5 Pitcher Lyle Gosslx Catcher Brady Richards
Lenâ’s Auto 0 Pitcher Rob Tapp Bob Anderson 6th Catcher Nick Leach
Rain delays – More scores to follow
Continuation of Saturday July 19 Games
Castle Rock 0 (11 inn) Pitcher Tory Westley Catcher Josh Klimek
Jordan realty 1 Pitcher Kevin Kammuler Catcher Billy Lesher
Herda & Sons 6 Pitcher Lisandor Sabate Catcher Mariano Juaraz
Wilber Lime 4 Pitcher Brad Chenney Dan Wahl 2nd Catcher Steve Hovell
Grand Seven 6 Pitcher Mike Tschida John Tschida 1st Catcher Mike Gernudo
Villard 11 Pitcher Mitch Hardy Catcher Tom Schoeberl
Magic City 6 Pitcher Chad Boon Catcher Scott Collins Cedric Lang 5th
Preston Merchants 0 Pitcher Bryan Scheevel Ben Koster 2nd Catcher Brad Scheevel
Pirates 1 Pitcher Miah Vanbockem Catcher Jeremy Hedrickson
New Image 3 Pitcher Jeremy Holman Catcher Jeff Jahn
Wonderoos 2 Pitcher Mike Peterson Catcher Ricky Danielson
Imaging Solutions 3 Pitcher Pat Johnson Brody Woods 2nd Catcher Cody Covett
Magic City 4 Pitcher Rick Lang Catcher Cedric Lang
Len’s Auto 1 itcher Kenddall Norman Catcher Nick Leach
Wonderoos 1 Pitcher Mike Fink Catcher Ricky Danielson
Jordan Realty 2 Pitcher Kevin Kammuler Catcher Bill Lesher
The Stadium 5 Pitcher Dave Meye Catcher Anthony Smith
Grand Seven 4 Pitcher Roman Toore Catcher Mike Gerado
Imaging Solutions 6 Picher Brady Woods Catcher Cody Calvett
Cerro Gordo 5 Pitcher Kyle Gosler Catcher Brody Richards
Herda & Sons 0 Pitcher Cristian Pacheco Catcher Mariano Jaurez
Villard 3 Pitcher Mitch Hardy Catcher Tom Schoeberl
New Image 3 (11 inn) Pitcher Jeremy Holman Catcher Ted Jahn
Wilber Lime 1 Pitcher Dan Wahl Catcher Steve Hovell
Day finished @ 1am