Wisconsin ISC II Qualifier Saturday Scores

Wisconsin State Tournament, Denmark WI—–June 10-12, 2005

Game 1- at Circle Tap
Rice Lake Orangemen— 010 022 0—–5-6-0-8
Wausau PJ’s Log Jam— 000 000 0—–0-5-1-6
Larry Cushman WP 1-0 & Jeff Bader
Tom Fochs LP 0-1 & Lance Rick
HR- Cory Candler-2R-RLO

Game 2- at Circle Tap
Galesville Wilbur Lime—020 002 2—–6-10-1-9
Schofield J&D Tube——000 000 0——-0-1-1-2
Steve Gothard WP 1-0 & Steve Hovell
Greg Fochs LP 0-1 & Brett Schulz
HR- Dan Stuhr solo, Chris Gamroth solo-WL

Game 3- Started Friday at Circle Tap & finished on Saturday at Denmark Memorial Park
Due to Rain
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks—000 100 0—–1-4-1-4
The Bar of Appleton——————-301 101 x—–6-7-1-4
Gerard Long LP 0-1 & Chad Mix
Dave Miller WP 1-0,Scott Bortolini (4) & Bryan Hansen
HR Gerard Long-Solo BAR

Game 4 – at Denmark Memorial Park
Denmark Pioneer Metal Finish—000 000 0—–0-2-0-2
Kenosha Earl’s Club—————400 000 x—–4-6-0-6
John Goral LP 0-1, Bryan Brooks (3) & Kyle Kapinos, Pat Severin(3)
Wayne Gaura WP 1-0, Todd Lubkeman (5) & Paul Wouters

Game 5 – at Denmark Memorial Park
Rice Lake Orangemen—102 010 0—–4-7-3-5
Statford Rep & Baja’s—013 351 x—–10-11-1-10
Larry Cushman LP 1-1 & Jeff Bader
Jay Wilder WP 1-0 & Kevin Leick
HR- None

Game 6- at Circle Tap
Schofield J&D Tube—–00 002 1—–3-6-2-6
Wausau PJ’s Log Jam—001 141 x—-7-5-1-8
Scott Tomcheck LP 0-1, Tom Marquary (5) & Matt McDonald
Tom Fochs WP 1-1 & Lance Rick

HR-Brad McDonald solo-J&D

Game 7 – at Denmark Memorial Park
Rice Lake Orangemen————-001 020 1—–4-7-1-7
Denmark Pioneer Metal Finish—200 000 0—–2-8-2-7
Larry Cushman LP 2-1 & Jeff Bader
Bryan Brooks LP 0-1 & Pat Severin

Game 8 – at Denmark Memorial Park
Wausau PJ’s Log Jam—–101 000 0—–2-8-0-5
The Bar of Appleton——-003 020 x—-5-8-0-5
Tom Fochs LP 1-2 & Lance Rick
Tim McIntire WP 1-0, Gerard Long (5) & Lee Peerenboom
HR-Gerard Long-2R-BAR

Game 9 – at Circle Tap
Galesville Wilbur Lime—————–100 100 2—–4-6-1-3
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks—-010 000 0—–1-3-1-5
Steve Gothard WP 2-0 & Steve Hovell
Dave Miller LP 1-1 & Bryan Hansen
HR- Bruce Perkei solo, Steve Hovell 2R-WL

Game 10 – at Circle Tap
Statford Rep & Baja’s—-100 120 1—–5-7-1-5
Kenosha Earl’s Club——001 010 0—–2-7-2-5
Steve Ackerson WP 1-0 & Jeff Zweifflehofer
Wayne Gaura LP 1-1 & Mike Froderman
HR-Brian Harris solo, Bard Bartelt 2R, Jeff Zweifflehofer solo

Game 11 – at Circle Tap
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks—-014 001 1—–7-7-2-9
Rice Lake Orangemen——————100 000 0—–1-3-2-6
Scott Bortolini WP 1-0 & Bryan Hansen
Larry Cushman LP 2-2, Tim Hall (3) & Jeff Bader

Game 12 – at Circle Tap
Kenosha Earl’s Club——112 000 101—–6-6-3-7
The Bar of Appleton——002 030 002—–7-8-2-6
Todd Lubkeman, Wayne Gaura LP & Jason Gerum
Gerard Long WP 1-1 & Lee Peerenboom, Chad Mix (6)

Games Sunday June 12, 2005
Game 13- at Circle Tap 10:30 Am
Galesville Wilbur Lime VS Statford Rep & Baja’s

Game 14- at Circle Tap 12:15 Pm
The Bar of Appleton VS Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks

Game 15- at Circle Tap 2:00 Pm
Loser 13 VS Winner 14

Game 16- at Circle Tap 3:45 Pm Championship
Winner 13 VS Winner 15

Game 17- at Circle Tap 5:30 Pm
If Game

Hank De Wild

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