About ISC II
Here’s why your team should play ISC II:
You won’t find a more competitively balanced, professionally run tournament for “intermediate” teams anywhere in North America.
We guarantee you four games – more than any other “post season” championship tournament.
Whether you are from Pennsylvania or Nova Scotia, California or B.C. or somewhere in between, you won’t play another team from your state or region in your round robin pool play – I personally guarantee it (Ontario teams may be an exception).
Chances are very good that at least one of your games will be web cast so your friends and family will be able to listen back home. And, if you bring a lap top, you can listen to other games in your hotel. If you’ve ever listened to Jim Flanagan call a game, you know how good the broadcasts sound.
Our umpires are FASTPITCH umpires, not slowpitch umpires.
We have two game controllers on duty at all times to answer all teams’ questions. You’ll always know when and who you’re playing.
Our bracket boards are constantly updated as is our website. Following the completion of the tournament, every game will have play by play stats, plus full team and individual stats. Where else do you get that?
We have professional photography services on site every day with team deals on photo CDs.
You won’t face ISC World Tournament players in ISC II. However, you can go watch them when you’re not playing. Your player pass gets you into the ISC World Tournament for free – and it’s only five to 10 minutes away from the ISC II park. You can play your game and then go watch teams like The Farm, Patsy’s or Kitchener. You can only do that at ISC II.
If any of the above excites you as a ball player, please talk to your ISC Regional Commissioner. Or, you can always contact me.
We’d love to see you at the ISC II Tournament of Champions.
Blair Setford
ISC II Commissioner
PS – There’s an absolute boatload of info about ISC II here at The Deuce. Click on the links in the right side column for info on the ToC, on the current year’s tournament, how to get there, where to stay and what to do when you’re not at the ballpark.