At the recent ISC Board of Directors meeting in Kimberly, the following changes were approved for implementation in 2009. They appear below in no particular order of importance.
1. ISC II Player Reclassification Request Deadline – Appeals to have current World Tournament players reclassified for ISC II eligibility, must be submitted no later than June 1. See new process for requesting reclassification below.
2. Reclassification and Appeal Form Created – A new form and process for reclassifications and appeals has been created and is now displayed on the ISC Web Site Click on Rules & Forms link in the left margin of front page.
A. The initial team request or appeal must be sent to the Regional Vice President.
Decision to be made within 5-business days.
B. Player reclassification requests from teams, denied at the Regional level, may be appealed to the ISC II Reclassification Committee and and a decision will be made within 5-business days.
C. Player reclassification requests denied by the ISC II Reclassification Committee and all other appeals denied at the Regional level, may be appealed to the ISC Executive Committee by submitting the appeal form and a non-refundable $100 credit card fee and sending it to the ISC Executive
Director. Decision to be made within 5-business days.
D. Appeal decisions made by the ISC Executive Committee are final.
4. ISC II Move-up Berths – Beginning with 2009 ISC II Tournament of Champions, the top two finishing teams will be provided automatic berths in the following year’s ISC World Tournament (2010), and will not be eligible for ISC II qualifiers or the Tournament of Champions in that following year.
5. Mexico and Caribbean Return to US Regions – For 2009 ISC play, residents of Mexico and Caribbean countries will be attached to US Regions as they were in the 2007 season. Mexico is divided between US West and US Central while all Caribbean countries become part of US East. The revised Regional Definitions will appear on the ISC Web Site and in the 2009 ISC World Championship Guide.
6. South American Player Rep – Due to the number of South American players, now participating in ISC and ISC II play, a South American Player Rep will be named to serve on the ISC Player Rep Committee.
7. Out of Region Form Discontinued – The Out of Region – Player Letter of Intent Form will be eliminated beginning in 2009. The new process involves having the Out of Region player, send an email commitment to the ISC Executive Director no later than May 1. The team manager is to be copied on the email. On or before May 1, the team manager completes the Out of Region Team Recap Form and mails it to the ISC Executive Director with the appropriate fee. The Team Recap form will be displayed on the ISC Web Site (Rules & Forms link).
Sample email commitment from player is simply: “I intend to play the 2009 ISC season with (team name)”. Most player email addresses contain the players name so few if any problems are expected with this new, simplified process.
Ken Hackmeister
Executive Director